Tuesday, November 3, 2009
November 3rd, 2009
How is everybody!! OH man mom i am so sorry i had it in my notes to do list to tell Grandpa Happy Birthday but it just was gone out of my mind!! So will you please tell him i miss him and Happy Birthday from his favorite Grandson :) Take him a pic to have so he won't forget my face when i come visit him!!
Wow so about my week!! oh man i have had better thats for sure, but i love it all there to make you reflect, be humbled, get stronger, and CHANGE!!! so it was good!! The Lord liveth i do know that!!! and I love it!!! This week on tuesday as soon as i got done with emailing i went on exchange and it was with a team of mine that is really struggling with finding people and well I think i am pretty good and finding people and giving out Book of Mormons and all the things they needed so i was excited but for some reason I lost all my stuff all because i thought i was good enough to do it all but i lost it, It was weird it was like I couldn't speak! I learnt the next morning in my study why it was like that!! I put my trust in the arm of flesh to much and I didn't put any trust in the Lord, and just as it say in Nephi Cursed is he that putteth his trust in the arm of flesh!! So i repented and changed and it got alot better by the end of my exchange and I well the Lord helped them find some people to teach and work with!!
Then we had Zone Conference on Thursday and my Trainer Elder Skidmore gave his departing testimony!! He is going home at the end of this transfer and i almost cried!! It made me realize that my mission does end that it is going so fast and i only have a short period left!! I am really past my year mark!! Ahhhhhh it killed me!! I Love serving my Savior Jesus Christ and I don't know what i'm going to do when my time runs out!! But I gotta work work work thats all i know i can't think about it i just gotta work!!!
Then on Friday we went down stairs after weekly planning and went to the bike shed and someone had broken in and stolen Elder La Vita's bike!! They left mine!! but took his ah man so we spent all day walking to the town to try to find him a new bike!
Then Saturday Halloween ha it was a good day until all the families went to bed and only the punks were left out ha!! then things got a little dodgie haha!! I got hit with an onion but no biggy just a bruise on my arm haha!! luckily thats all that happened!!
It was just a learning week!! something that kept coming back though every time i thought about it was stop trusting in yourself! Your Weak Elder Davidson but if you trust in me i will make you strong!! And I am weak i am!! But you my famile, my friends, everyone makes me stronger! But without the Lord I am nothing!!
I love you all thank you for all you do!! You lift me when i am down and i wouldn't be able to do it with out you!! I love you all so so much!!
Elder Davidson
My address is actually
Knights Walk instead of Knightshalk haha!!
Sorry another thing I found out this week!!
Not my fault i am blaming it on my comp haha!!
Love you!!
Elder Davidson
October 27th, 2009
I love it look at those yanks go!!!! Thats what they do baby booo!!!! Yup ship Elder Davidson out some yanks stuff i gotta sport it!! haha!!
Well wow sounds like you had some fun in Kansas!! ah thats the best!! Thanks james for all the pictures i loved seeing them!! Looks like the old man still has his swing haha!! hopefully he doesn't lose it before i get home, i don't want to beat him to bad haha!!
Speaking of dad, no i didn't get his email or any of his letters, they might have all gone to the cov flat and so hopefully i should get them this week at Zone Conference. There was a 4 day strike over here in england with the post that ended i think saturday so hopefully i should be getting post soon haha!!
Anyways this week was great, the work is really moving forward, we are finding new people to teach everyday in everyway!! The Lord is really taking care of us and I know he only can keep blessing us if we keep on working so that is what we will do!! My comp and I are getting along great, we both like to have a good laugh so we can joke with one another so it is good, He is a young missionary that hasn't had much success at the first of his mission (just like me) so it is good we can talk and i can relate to him. and hopefully with your prayers and our faith we can change that together and both see alot of success!! He is a stud though!!
I love my mission! i am so greatful to be serving at this time! Oh man so many miracles so many answered prayers it has been amazing! The Lord has blessed me and i love him for it!! I love him for the hard times when life is a struggle!! I love the rejection every second of it!! But most importantly i love seeing the change in people when they accept the true and living gospel of Jesus Christ!!! The way they just glow ahh it has changed me!! This is the lords work and i am here to do the work!!! And I will!!!
Thanks for all your support!! I love you all!! I miss you!!
Elder Davidson
October 27th, 2009
I love it look at those yanks go!!!! Thats what they do baby booo!!!! Yup ship Elder Davidson out some yanks stuff i gotta sport it!! haha!!
Well wow sounds like you had some fun in Kansas!! ah thats the best!! Thanks james for all the pictures i loved seeing them!! Looks like the old man still has his swing haha!! hopefully he doesn't lose it before i get home, i don't want to beat him to bad haha!!
Speaking of dad, no i didn't get his email or any of his letters, they might have all gone to the cov flat and so hopefully i should get them this week at Zone Conference. There was a 4 day strike over here in england with the post that ended i think saturday so hopefully i should be getting post soon haha!!
Anyways this week was great, the work is really moving forward, we are finding new people to teach everyday in everyway!! The Lord is really taking care of us and I know he only can keep blessing us if we keep on working so that is what we will do!! My comp and I are getting along great, we both like to have a good laugh so we can joke with one another so it is good, He is a young missionary that hasn't had much success at the first of his mission (just like me) so it is good we can talk and i can relate to him. and hopefully with your prayers and our faith we can change that together and both see alot of success!! He is a stud though!!
I love my mission! i am so greatful to be serving at this time! Oh man so many miracles so many answered prayers it has been amazing! The Lord has blessed me and i love him for it!! I love him for the hard times when life is a struggle!! I love the rejection every second of it!! But most importantly i love seeing the change in people when they accept the true and living gospel of Jesus Christ!!! The way they just glow ahh it has changed me!! This is the lords work and i am here to do the work!!! And I will!!!
Thanks for all your support!! I love you all!! I miss you!!
Elder Davidson
October 20th, 2009
I Love my yanks!!!! look at um go!! All the way baby!! Arod my boy stud thats all I can say haha!! I love it!! Thanks for the info!!
Can you believe Beaumont is alread home?? where is the time going?? I can't believe it time is flying by!! I mean its almost Christmas again!! It feels like yesterday i was counting down the days for Christmas to get here but now I want the time to slow down!! but I can't wait to talk to the fam :)
So yuppers Elder D got moved haha!! its been a good week so far! We had someone at church and it was the first time in about 6 weeks so it was good the Lord is already starting the work again!! Just so you know i'm still District Leader but I just have a totally new District!! I haven't met them yet, I have talked to them over the phone but thats about it! I will get to meet them tomorrow at District meeting so i'm pretty stoked!!
I am positive that my adress is right but it is some newer buildings so that is probably why it isn't coming up on google earth!!
My comp is a stud!! He is a funny kid so we are having some good times over here!! Caerphilly's ward is pretty good as well, the members are nice its just hard to get them to come out teaching with us because the missionaries in the past kinda ruined things with there not so good acts!! But we are trying to build the trust and hopefully soon they will start supporting us a little bit more!!
I had my first accident on my bike in caerphilly this week haha, didn't take long!! There are some crazy steep hills over here in wales and well my little old bike was having a hard time with them haha but i got to the top of one and started my treck down and my peddle just snapped and got caught in the tyre so i flipped right over top and landed on my back but luckily my back pack was there so i didn't even have a scratch thank goodness!! but I am going to get it all juiced up today while we have time so it'll be ready to go the rest of the week!!
Anyways I love you all!! thanks for all your love and support! I miss you and hope that all is well down there in the good ol utah :) The Lord is going to take care of us this transfer i have no doubts I just know that | am here for a reason and I don't know what it is yet but i sure will know soon!!
Have an amazing week!!
Elder Davidson
October 15th, 2009
So wow ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!
I got moved this week!!! I can't even believe it!! My beautiful Coventry ahh man its gone!!! I'm gonna miss it!! Probably the hardest thing i have ever done leaving that place!! all those beautiful people just saying goodbye was so hard!! I almost just didn't go haha but i'll go where the lord wants me to go!!
I am now serving in the beautiful Caerphilly in Wales!!! wow is it different down here!! it is a similar place to the forest of dean!! very small and beautiful!! The people over here wow, I don't even think they are speaking English when they are talking to me haha, they just speak so fast, man its intense!! I have to think about what they said and process it all and the speak ha its quite funny but i love it!! My new comp is Elder La Vita, he is from South Africa, he is the man!! I love him!! he is a newer missionary and is just full of love so it should be good over here i'm excited!!
My packages well hopefully they get to me haha, that coventry flat everything goes missing there haha!! I think from now on it might be better to send packages to the mission address so then i know i will get them haha!!
my new address: Flat 11H Knightswalk
Caerphilly CF83 2XN
Wales UK
So about the helping you with your class I can write a letter to my recent converts and see if i can get a reply and see if i can get it to you then ok?? I'll do my best!!
Well i'm excited to start this new adventure in caerphilly, i have heard not so good news about it haha but i know that with faith anything is possible and me and Elder La Vita can baptize here no matter what the other missionaries say!! I am always up for a challenge, Like bottom of the 9th, 2 outs bases juiced, full count, and Elder Davidson up to bat!! you know he is just gonna hit a yack haha!! I love it!!!
So wait? how are my yanks?? did the mariners beat them?? i'll cry!! i promise i'll cry haha!! I miss you all!! thanks for all you do!! I pray for your happiness and safety everynight and will always do so!! I love you!!
Elder Davidson
October 6th, 2009
Well wow i'm gonna let you know right now that all that money that was put in for some souvenairs got spent on everything but that!! It went to a new bike because mine and my companions got stolen!! they cut a steal chain and stole them wow must of really needed them!! Then for church it went to taxis so my investigators could attend church because the other Elders kind of made the members a little hateful and so everyone was refusing to give lifts this sunday! luckily that was sorted last night and lets just say i'm glad i wasn't the one that did what they did!! gotta love the members that is the most important thing!! also it went to serving my new companion as he himself ran out of money for food!! so i'm sorry if i went passed what was put in but its been quite the last couple of weeks!! I love the trials baby :) :) just take it with a smile!!
thanks for all your support though!! I am glad that you all enjoyed and got as much out of conference as i did!! I hope this week was good for you sounds like dad is going to be having a waste out session though this weekend full of golfing!! One day he will take his son Elder Davidson on a trip!! but don't worry we won't go with out you mother :) your the party :)
Oh but how i miss the waking up sunday morning to sticky buns and general conference with the family!! but wow do i love conference!! Living Prophets and Apostles that is what we listened to all weekend long and I loved every second of it!! Saddly to say though I didn't get to watch Elder Hollands talk :( my favorite and the most powerful speaker I had to miss it was just to late it is at 9:00 p.m over here so we missed it, but now that you mentioned it i can't wait to read it when the ensign comes!! but everything else was beautiful i loved it i truly did wow!! the talk just for me, well everyone had a certain special meaning but the one that touched me the most was in the priesthood session i hope dad watched it! it was Elder Ballard talked all about Fathers and Sons talking one with another and communicating!! That is something i never really did with Dad of with you Mom and its hard to admit it but I will change i know that you both have been where i have been you both know what decisions will help me and what ones won't so I will come to you for advice I love ya!!! But the whole conference humbled your boy Elder Davidson!! I know now that i need to serve more, and that I do need to love more!! I will I will I will!!! thats what i wrote on my notes!!! Cause thats what life is all about serving your brothers and sisters, I thank mom and dad for all the times you pulled myself out of bed to go do the service for the people who needed it!! for the people who were calling out for help, you taught me a life long lesson that I will never forget and I will never think of service as a burden!! You are the example and I love ya!! thank you so so much for everything!! I miss you!! I love you!!! You are the examples that have changed me forever!!! and I will take all that you have taught me and teach it to my children because i see now how important it is!!! I love you both so much!! More then the world!!
Sorry sent the email before i was finished haha!!
>Um know i haven't got hydis package but someones package came yesterday and we are going to go pick it up right after we leave so hopefully it is that one!!!
but anyways I love that my boy A-rod is dominating wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo I love it :)
Hope this week goes good and can't wait to hear from you!!
Transfers are next wednesday so we will see if i stay or go!! but i am pretty sure i am going to stay after my interview wit President yesterday so no worries!!!
I miss you and love you!!
Elder Davidson
September 29th, 2009
Ava?? What happened to Alexandra?? come on haha jk thats cute i love it!! My yanks are dominating ahhhhh I Love it!!! I knew it would only take a couple years for them to get there game back!!
A larg shirt it should fit him ya!! But I don't think it'll fit me?? thats a little big haha!! I'm just a small guy!!! But no it'll be fine!!
Anyways the work is going good! we had another baptism this weekend of Jason Bevins, My first "ENGLISH" baptism haha it went well he is a stud with a strong testimony!! The Baptismal service was hectic and stressful, We met jason at his house at 11:00 p.m. the Baptisme was supposed to start at 12:00 the member came and showed up at 11:30 a half an hour late, so the filling up the font was pushing it cuz it usually took about 45 minutes, so we get there and i run to the place where the key to the font usually is, and it is gone so i'm am just running around looking for it, calling the person that is supposed to have it oh so finally at about 12:00 i get the key and start filling the font so we start the baptismal service and like 12:30 and to top it all off the lady who was supposed to be playing the piano and doing a musical item doesn't show, I call her and call her but she just doesn't show so we just try to sing acapella and well in england its not like america where it sounds ok it is just brutal people were laughing it was so bad, oh man then I go to check the font to see if it is full during the talks be4 the baptism and someone had turned it off, so i run to it and turn it back on and so we have to sit outside the font for 30 minutes and wait for it to fill the Bishop wasn't happy ahhh man it was stressful, but all in all it went well haha!!! Those are the times that i just look at and smile!! I love it haha!! The hard times are the best times!
>But Ya all is going well we need a miracle for this 8 to come to pass but I have FAITH!! So we are going to get it!!!!!!
I love you all!! Thanks for all you do!!!
I miss you!!
Elder Alexander Craig Davidson
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
September 22,2009
Ahhhhhh the new niece is gorgeous!! I LOVE IT!! Looks just like me :) so you might as well just name her after me :) Alexandra Sned sounds wonderful haha!!
No Postal strike over here but no I haven't recieved Hydis?? when did she send it?? It should come in the next couple of days!!
This week was pretty good!! No baptism last saturday :( but this saturday we have one so it will be good!! The goal is 8 baby I love it and we have Baptized 3 and we have 5 scheduled so if they all hold we will get it!!! I love it though!! the lord has truely blessed us this week!! we picked up 2 new ones that were placed perfectly in our path!! I love that the lord always finds a way!! but we will get it just gotta work our tails off and be Obedient and the Lord will take care of us!!But as for the mission..... Well things are changing President Ogden has made some huge changes that are going to take some time to get used to!!! 1 of the biggest one is Accounting, My teams used to call me everynight and tell me about there day and how the people they were teaching were doing and all this good stuff and I could help them with the problems and concerns that they were facing with there area's and there Investigators, but as of last thursday they don't call me anymore, well they do but only to tell me they are safe home and thats it!! Oh it has been weird accountability has gone down and I am scared that missionaries effectiveness will go down!! But we will see he is called of God, so we just have to have faith!!
Its harder for me as a Leader because i still have to find ways to keep my teams Accountable to their actions without talking to them for very long at night but it makes me think so thats the good things haha I'll figure something out!!
In the flat we had a case of Swine Flu, Elder Newbury caught it and was out of commission for a week, we had to take shifts of who sat in the flat with him so the Zone Leaders could do work in there area but luckily none of us caught it from him!!!
Anyways nothing much happened this week, Gadfield Elm was amazing!! Pictures to come.... But ya good week!!
I love you!! You are all amazing!! You just make me smile so thanks for all your support!! I miss you!!!
Elder Davidson
September 15th, 2009
1st off guess what mom
your so amazing and i hope you have the best birthday ever!! Man it feels like just yesterday i was picking up those chocolates down in the forest of dean and sending those off to you!! wow time is gone!!!
Anyways All I can say is Rice Krispie treats and i'm happy :) wo wo wait Peanut butter rice krispie treats :)
So wow good week!!
So this week went well!! We had another Baptism which went amazing!! I loved it!! her name is Sarah she is just beautiful ha I love her!! It's Endurances Girlfriend and it is amazing to see how much they both are enjoying the gospel of Jesus Christ!! No Baptism this week but we should have a couple on the 26th so that'll be good!! Still trying and trying to reach that goal! We will get there no doubt!!
This week we get to go to Gadfield Elm!! Oh man I am stoked its going to be amazing!! that is where we are holding Zone Conference this Transfer so it should be an amazing experience!! If you don't know anything about it you should look it up its got some history behind it!!So I went on exchange this week in a town called Banbury and they had scheduled a little footie match with some non members and well Elder Davidson ya know he is just a stud at footie haha jk i was making a fool out of myself out in the front line trying to score so the second half they decided to put him in as the goalie haha ya know the losers spot haha and well I just dominated and they didn't score the whole second half so after that little experience i decided i better go pro at football haha and just use my 2nd base skills to dig the soccer ball haha!! Yup knew dream haha jk!! but no it was fun after we got done playing we all gathered around and read from the book of mormon with these kids and they loved it!! The book of mormon is amazing i just love it! It puts out a spirit that nothing else can put out! I love reading from it with my investigators and converts just seeing there eyes light up as you read the amazing experiences in there!! The spirit just touches there hearts, its amazing!!
Anyways once again Mother have a happy birthday!! I love you!! I'm thinking about you constantly!! Tell Dad to take you somewhere nice for Elder Davidson!! And to buy you whatever you want :) haha i LOVE IT!! I miss you all!! Have an amazing week!!
Elder Davidson
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Pictures September 8th 2009

8 is the goal!!!
2 down and 6 to go!!!
My boy and me set a goal of 8 baptisms this transfer!! it will happen we are going to get it!! but keep it in your prayers we need the Lord for this miracle!!
I Love you!!
Letter September 8th 2009
This week went amazing!! I had the chance to see the 4 best baptisms of my life!! I also got to sing at the baptism ahhh oh boy nots so good haha but it was an adventure!!!
Tran and Thanh loved there baptism, they just loved it!! I love them they are amazing and i am so glad that i got to stay in cov town so i could see and have this amazing week!! President Ogden came to this baptism and so did a member of the Seventy, I can't remember his name it was hard to say thats all i know haha!! the Lord is truly blessing this area holy wow its amazing people are being touched by the spirit!!
We have another baptism this week which is going to be amazing as well!! It is for Sarah ah she is so beautiful, she is Endy's G-friend so it is fun to teach her because Endy just does all the teaching before we get there so she just knows it all haha its great!!
I will tell you what though, there was this member in the ward that we helped yesterday and wow, I loved it!! we were even pulling weeds and i was just loving it, I don't know what it was but being away from getting my hands dirty for a year just made me love it!! So mom don't you worry there will be no whining when i get home about pulling weeds haha I love it!!!
Being a Trainer has been going good though oh buddy I have learned that i went to easy on him the first transfer and now that i have given him responsibility you can tell it has raised the stress but it'll be good for him, he is loving his mission, and loved baptising on saturday so he is doing good!! We Would love some Beaver Football T-shirts if possible?? that would be amazing!!
Anyways thanks for all you do you are all amazing!! I love ya I do!! I miss you for shoe :) Bad rhyming but hey what can ya do :)
Love you,
Elder Davidson
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Letter September 2nd 2009
but wo mom what is going on?? your feet are swollen?? thats crazy!!! get that fixed you have me nervous out here!! Maybe you just need to get off your feet for a while because i know you, your on your feet all day!! you need to just chill out for a bit!! But wow everyone sounds busy, thats good!! When we are busy we have a less chance of getting in trouble so good good!!
So crazy Transfers came and gone once again and Elder Davidson is still staying in coventry with my boy!! Its crazy 9 months?? that never happens but I love coventry so its great i'm happy to stay!! I mean there must me that person that i have been sent here to find that i haven't found yet I guess I better go to work so I can find them so the Lord will let me move on haha!!
The Zone Leader that was here Elder Bearnson, he went home this transfer and it was so sad to see him try to not pack up his stuff and to see how much a mission really is the best 2 years of your life that you will never get back!! He loved his mission and you could see that and it just made me happy to know that i still have a year but sad to know that i only have a year and there is so much i still haven't done that i need to accomplish!! But it has made me more excited for the work so that was good!! The Lord does take care of his missionaries and familys while they are gone its beautiful!!!
but the new Zone Leader in cov town is Elder Gee, ah he is a stud he is English but a different kind of english ha so its good I like him it'll be a fun transfer!!
Man President Ogden wow he is amazing I love him but wow you should see the kind of changes that are happening its a different style and it is hard to get accustomed to but it'll be good, he was sent here to do the work and if that is the way the Lord wants it done I'll do it, but wow its like starting over again but its way good I love it!!!
100.00 dollors?? does that mean i can buy me a yankees hat to celebrate there beautiful domination haha!! I have been dying to get one but hey I'll ask first haha?? what do you think??
Oh man I made the best american breakfast the other day just pancakes (the mix had to get sent over by a missionaries parents but he gave it to me :) ) and bacon and eggs and just syrup oh man it was beautiful, not as beautiful as one of your breakfasts mom but wow I would have to say i'm pretty good haha!!
Ok ok i know it is way random this week, i'm sorry my mind is just everywhere!! but I love you!!! We have a Baptism this week as well!!! 2 baptisms in our area and 2 in the Zone leaders so it should be a big white day!! MY BOY IS BAPTIZING WOOOOO HOOOOOOO!!! nothing makes me more happy not only that but one of my Recent Converts is going to baptize as well!! I love it!!! Just the most amazing thing serious!!!
But wow I Love you!! Thanks for all you do!! I pray for you always!! I miss you so much!! And I am greatful for my beautiful family!!!
Your Brother, Your Son, Your Biggest Fan!!!
Elder Davidson
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Letter August 25th 2009
I passed!! Finally!! ah best day of my life haha! that good little cramming session i did the hour before my test really worked out haha!! Love it!!
So wow Exciting news back home! Love it!! Love that my Yankees are dominating while i'm gone haha thats how it should be! I love it!! man sounds like Mom your just gonnna become a master fisher! that'll be good so then when i come home you can teach me how to fish and be patient haha thats what its all about!! Its not how long you were out fishing its how long your line was in the water that matters most!!
Tyler?? Racquetball?? ah??? hahaha well i'll smoke him when i get home no doubt haha!! Tell him to hit me up so I can tell him about all the cute girls that he needs to go talk to at suu haha! I know a couple and they are good girls so thats what matters most!!!
Well down here it has been good! the sun is shining the birds are singing ha its beautiful I love it!! Transfers are next week so it'll be crazy to see what happens!! I'll probably stay with my boy hopefully still alot i need to teach him before i go so he can carry on that Davidson name haha!!
This week nothing crazy has happened its been pretty mellow, Except for the Vietnamese couple that i started to teach when i first was here remember them?? Tran and Thanh?? well they are getting baptized next saturday the 5th of September which should be amazing i'm stoked!!! and so are they!! They ended up being able to get married and were so excited to let us know it was amazing I love it!!
Now mom, that is the best thing you can do for your friend Jan!! I have seen the book of mormon change so many peoples lifes!! Just Put your Testimony in it, and let her know exactly whats in the Book of Mormon Introduction that she will come closer to God if she reads and applies the book!! The Restoration is one of my favorite DvD's to watch with my investigators it just lets them see it all!! Its so amazing I have had so many people just after we get done watching it change they just feel something! Its the best!! Finding Faith is also an amazing video I love it as well Good choices!! You can do it I know you can because you have a Testimony and the lord will take care of the rest!!
Well Fam I love ya! Thanks for all your support, You don't have any Idea how much it means to me!! I know sometimes it doesn't seem like that but i know that without you I couldn't make it!! I love you!!
Have a great week!!
Elder Davidson
Love it :)
Letter August 18th 2009
Mom Thanks so much for the beautiful package ah it was just gorgeous to open!! Especially the baseballs holy wow!! I sleep with 1 in my hand!! NO Lie!! I Love it thank you so much!!
Oh and about the next package just wrap the rice krispy treats up tight and ship them over they will be fine i'll eat them no matter what they look like haha!! Store bought?? come on mommy you know that homemade are just better!!! Especially your cookies there are nothing better just put them in a bag and ship them over no need to freeze them!! A week thats nothing haha!! Peanut butter cookies mom ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! I hope this month flies by hahaha!!
My driving test is next monday I had to reschedule it so next week you'll know if i passed or not ha i'm studying hard so we will see how it goes!!
Oh mom Tell Grandma Happy Birthday for me next week!! Tell her I love her and really miss her and Grandpa!!! Hope she has an amazing Birthday!! I will be thinking about her!!
Anyways So let me just tell me about my week!! Probably one of the hardest weeks on my mission, No lie!! I have never had so many things that were just perfect go so wrong so fast, Everything that possibly could have went wrong DID!!! Everything that i thought would go this way went the other way it was just quite the week!! I wanted to break down a couple times and there was alot of time spent on my knees!!
But I got through it I did and I won't break, I know all the little trials have been preparing me for the big trials that come right when everything is dandy!!
All the people that were supposed to get baptized this week, All 4 of them dropped last week, 2 of them got scheduled for work and 1 of them started drinking Alchohol again drastically and another just disappeared!! All in about 2 days!! I wanted to pull my hair out!! No one seemed to want to talk to me and Elder Smith and just kept walkin past or slamming the doors in our face, I felt weak!! I felt like a poor teacher I felt like a poor finder, I just felt like all the talent skills and ability that i had picked up so far were gone!! I couldn't find them and i forgot how to use them!! And Many other things went wrong! everything was just going in the opposite direction!!
It was hard for me it was but the hardest thing i saw this week was when my Greenie got discouraged!! there was nothing that broke my heart more then when he thought it was his fault!!
But Just as the lord always does he drops ya to your lowest low's and then he lifts you to your Highest High's he took care of us!!
Saturday evening we came home with only 1 person committed to church and I was Discouraged and Elder Smith was also, I was doing all I could to act happy so that Elder Smith would cheer up so i did all i could to make him feel better and got that smile back on his face and we went to bed but before I went down stairs and I hit my knees hard just pleading for a miracle!! And on sunday we got a miracle, 5 people endend up coming to church 1 with Anita and 1 with Endy and a couple that i had previously taught and alson the 1 we had committed!! It was beautiful so now we are currently teaching all 5 of them and 4 of which have a date to be baptized!!! I love it the lord took care of us!! I know that if i don't ever again throw in the towel he will carry me through everything I love it!! It was a miracle!!
The Lord will never ever abandon us, just when you think he is gone that is when you see the miracles he proves himself over and over again but it all depends on the faith of us his children!!!
I love it!! Nothing bettter!!!
Hope you all have an amazing week I miss you!! I promise you the Lord is taking care of me and all my Beaver Brothers out there So no need to worry about us!!
I love you!!
Elder Davidson
The English Brother!!!!
Letter August 11th 2009
So wow sounds like everyone of my nephews and nieces are just growing up, and there are going to be at least 2 new ones running around when i get home, thats just beautiful i love it!! Give all of them a big hug and a kiss from me!! I sure do miss them!!
So let me just tell you about today, oh my it was the weirdest day of my life, so we decided last night that the 4 of us (Elder Newbury, Elder Bearnson, Elder Smith, and myself) were going to go to birmingham which has on of the biggest shopping centers anyone has ever seen, so we wake up this morning 6 o clock drive to birmingham study there and head off, we come to this huge building just the craziest shape i have ever seen can't even explain it haha, and right when we walk in the doors and go down the escalator there is a ginormous BULL made out of Jelly Belly's!!! Thats right i said JELLY BELLYS haha it was crazy, and then they just had a buffett with straight american candy, like the penny candy's and the suckers i used to buy at the B-Store I just couldn't believe it we all couldn't hold back we had to buy some haha it was beautiful though, and then to top it all off we walk like 200 feet further and there is a legit Krispy Kream Donut factory Krispy Kreams I couldn't believe it!! I had to dip into that oh man it was like being back in america, but after a while I'll be honest I felt just so uncomfortable and so wordly, I just didn't like it anymore I lost myself back in the world for about 2 hours and It just felt weird oh man I'll tell you what it will just be insane to go back to the world and i am glad that i do not have to experience it for another year!!!
I do truly love my mission had some hard times and I love my trials I do I do!!! I have grown up a little and hopefully when i get home our Heavanly Father will have molded me to who he wants me to be!!!
My favorite quote from our dear Prophet Thomas S. Monson,
"PRAY as if everything depended on the FATHER, But WORK as if everything depended on YOU!!!!!"
Story of my mission!! The success's that i have seen this year has only been at the times when i hit my knees and give up!!! but then went out and worked harder then ever befor I love it!!!> > This is the gospel of Jesus Christ!!!
Thank you so much for all you do!! I miss you so so so much!!!
I love you all more then you will ever know!!!
Elder Davidson
P.S. Cookies and Natural Vally granola bars!! thats what i want in the next package haha if its at Christmas i don't care haha its just what Elder Davidson has been Craving!! And Moms home made Peanut Butter Rice Krispies just put them in a bag and send um over haha!!!
Love you!!!
Your Boy!!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Letter August 4th 2009
Wo Wo Wo first of all Mother if you could see how much your boy can eat you wouldn't be saying that haha! constantly i am eating something haha but its those runs in the morning to wake me up that i think have been burning off all i eat haha!!
But wow look at T-money go, I love it just get him a job and he will be set!! Check Cal Ranch haha he can just walk in my footsteps haha!! I cant believe dad isn't going to buy his son some new golf clubs and just put them down in his room until he gets home come on now whats he thinking haha!! But sounds like he still has his game breathing or not its still there and so when i get home he can win me some tournys and then buy me some new clubs haha!!
What you let them take the big TV?? come on now?? he doesn't need that he needs the little tv like me thats how it should be he is just a little college boy he needs a little tv haha!!
About taryn wow i am so proud i just smile all the time, and i'm definately not bother cuz me and moss and all my boys aren't going to need girls haha it'll be 2 years without them, all we are going to need is our baseball gloves and our boots (cleats) and we will be set haha!!!
So about my week the baptism went great and right on Gracies Birthday, I brought a pic of Grace and Katie and Zach to the baptism and I showed it to Anita (the girl getting baptized) and I said look Anita the day my beautiful neice was born and the day you are born again, she just had the biggest grin ah it was wonderful, it helped me think of all my Nieces and Nephews back home, I cant wait to be there for there baptisms!!
But at her baptism Anita invited all of her family and friends and wow did we take advantage of it, Jeffrey R. Holland said 80 % of investigators that attend a baptismal service will go onto ther own baptism, and now i know that is true, while we were there after the baptism me and my comp Elder Smith were just inviting every single person there to be baptized, and about 6 people accepted and have a date to be baptized (that is about 75% Pretty Close) no doubt others will follow! But One is her dad Buddy, and her Aunty and her son Millicent and Rexford and one is a friend named Armand and then 2 other people that we invited to come named Paul and Rich, it was a great day and so the 22nd of August should be an amazing day and I cant wait!!
You should have seen my companion though when i told him we were going to ask all of these people to be baptized haha his face just lit up with fear and he said but Elder Davidson we haven't taught anything to them and I just said here is a calender you invite for the 22nd and I will tell you why afterwards, and sure enough without arguing we just went to it haha it was so funny I couldn't help but smile during!!! And then afterwards after everyone had left and we were cleaning up he said Elder Davidson now i know why we invited all those people to be baptized haha!! It was just the best, I tell you what this is the true and living church!!
This is the Lords work and I love being apart of it!
Thanks for all you do fam, love you and miss you!!
Elder Davidson
P.S. My planner will be wide open tonight haha!!
Love You!!
Letter July 28th 2009
You went fishing?? what the?? You Caught a Fish?? what is going on down there haha!! I love hearing it thats so good!! Where are the pics?? come on i need to see that good stuff!!
I cant tell you how much I love my mission!! I love every second of it!! Most importantly i love the trials!! I love the Stress!!! I love the Pressure!!! This week was hard it was but it was good!! My boy Elder Smith haha he is doing good he isn't a talker but i'm doing my best to get him to talk with people and it is getting really good!! I know I was probably the same when I first came out so i understand and I love him!! He took his first spill on his bike yesterday it was raining and it was muddy and we came around a turn pretty quick and there was a curb but i saw the curb and well he didn't so i look back and all i see was him flyin through the air ah it was bad but we couldn't help but smile haha!!
The district leader just got a little harder this week as well, the boundries got changed and so 2 Elders got moved into my Zone and the Zone Leaders had to choose which District Leader was going to take on the added pressure and sure enough i get the opportunity to look after 2 new missionaries!! I Love it as well!!!
Not only that but we are supposed to have 2 baptisms this week, one is Anita she is from Ghana and amazing she just loves the gospel and loves learning and it is amazing i love teaching her!! And the 2nd is a young fellow named Ji Gang he is from china but Ji Gang went to New Castle after church on sunday and got totally antied by his friends and texted me yesterday saying he cant join the faith, but no worries ill get him there, with the lord anything is possible so no doubt!! Just another Trial and i love it!!!
Just to prepare you, i have to sign up for another Theory Test so if money goes out of my account that is the reason haha!! I am sorry but I guess it just needs to be done haha!!
But Thats all i have for this week! I hope everyone is doing well! I miss you!! I love you!! I am greatful for your support!!
Take Care,
Elder Davidson
Letter July 22nd 2009
Well this week was good but sad, the baptisms last saturday were just amazing, it went so amazing there was just some amazing pictures of that day it was wonderful, Don't worry mother next week i should be sending an sd card home! i have been taking ful advantage of having a camera!! Anyways on monday me and my companion were out working having so much fun and then all of a sudden the phone rang and it was President Ogden and he called and asked me if i would be a Trainer and train one of the new missionaries that are coming in, and well I was excited but sad at the same time because my Italion buddy who cooked the most amazing Pasta had to go, So on tuesday we went to see all the people we had been teaching and it was just sad they had just really got attached to us both and were sad to seem him leave, but to top it all off the sister missionaries that were in coventry got moved and the are got shut down, so me and elder piredda went with them to see all the people they were teaching to switch over and it was even worse one of the girls they were teaching just broke down bawling, ahhhh I felt so bad but its part of being a missionary i guess!!
Anyways back to it ahhhhhhhh I got called to train a new missionary and today i met him haha he is a stud, he is alot taller then me haha and he is from Wyoming!! It will be good to show him the ropes and to learn from him I am excited!! I am still in coventry which is crazy this is going to be seven and a half months but i love it here so its perfectly fine with me!
But anyways im sorry i have to head off i have to go get my greenie a bike and get him all set to work work work!!!!! I love you all have a great week and next week lots of pictures to come i promise :)
Love you, Elder Davidson
Letter July 14th 2009
YOU did what???????????????? Ha ha that is so cool, President Moffett and Sister Moffet are both so amazing!! I love them both!! They taught me so much and I tell you what without President Moffat I would be at home, not happy at all so i owe him so much!!
He did come to my first District meeting and it scared me to death but it was great i loved it! Ahhhhhhh that is so cool i can't even believe it!! Oh and about my shoes, Ha well i think they are fine haha but well they are a little beat up but hey i don't care its good for me haha they are finally broken in!! Haha I might be thinking about looking for a new pair soon but for now they are alright haha!!
Anyways, I met the new mission president on thursday and well lets just say he is 100 % different from President Moffat, but he is amazing, he has such a testimony and he knows his scriptures, They actually know a family from Beaver Utah, imagine that haha do you know a Susan Mouise or something, it used to be Susan Yardley, i think she moved away but her family still lives there i guess haha? who knows?? Anyways they are amazing I enjoy them they have great personalitys so its great! The Lord called him here for a reason so we will see how he works with us, it will be good to see! I am glad i get to experience it!!
Anyways guess what, this week we have a baptism, holy wow it seems like it has been forever but i am excited it is my best friend here in coventry I Just Love him to death!! His name is Endurance and he is a tall fellow who is the only person in coventry that is any good at basketball haha, He dominated me 1 on 1 but i threw out the I haven't played for a year excuse don't you worry haha, Next time i'll beat him though haha!! There are also 5 others who are getting baptized, it will be a big white saturday i am so excited!!
But anyways I love the gospel and i am greatful for Heavanly Father sending me to Coventry I love it here!! It is the promised land and he is just preparing his children and I Love It, I love seeing my brothers and sisters walk into the church for the first time and just can't help but smile because they already feel something different it is just the best thing in the world!!
The Church is True, No doubt No doubt!!
Thanks for all you do fam, I love you have a great week!!
Elder Davidson
Monday, July 13, 2009
Letter July 7, 2009 and Pictures

"That building in the back ground is where all my african friends come out of haha Thomas King HOUSE is a missionary palace haha!!"
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Letter 6/30/2009

(Alex's sports number was 3 so Mom sent him this picture telling him his greatest fan was wishing him happy birthday)
ok so wowa haha!!! What a picture gotta love that 3 haha!! thats going to be me in about 10 years haha! Love it!!! Thanks so much everybody for all the happy birthday wishes you are all amazing i love you!! So I just cant wait for all these birthday packages there is nothing Elder Davidson loves more then stuff from America, except for maybe stuff from Italy, My companion Elder Piredda's b-day was on last wednesday and I took him out for a good ol dinner and what not haha (by the way used your money sorry!) But he had some packages from his family and he was sharing with me some of his amazing italian cake, mmmmmmmmmm it was good haha, NOthing like Madre's home cooked cake but for a missionary it was pretty super good haha!!Anyways How is everybody?? sounds like everyone but hilda mae has had a vacation this summer? looks like she needs to go to Cali like everybody else haha!! Jaymerz got Utah which is good as well haha!Well my week oh buddy it was quite the week, Well we were meant to have some baptisms coming up for the 4th but um well Jeanett the mother of the family was doing so good and amazing and the family was all ready to get interviewed on the saturday and then we show up to the appointment and she just wasn't having it she didn't even want to speek with us, I finally got her to open up to me but it took for days and i had to pull her aside just me and her but wow apparently she just got totally antied by one of her friends and a family member that lives down in Jamaica and well i cleared up most of the damage but she still has alot of doubts so she told me that she will let me know when she is ready :( ahhhhhhhh i went home and just cried, I hate when satan catches a hold of the hearts of the fathers children it kills me!!! But we will get her and her beautiful family itll come i know it!! it might not be for a while but it will come!!We did though recieve alot of other blessings from our heavenly father man were we blessed this week, saturday night rolls around and we have noone that says they are coming to church and when a D.L. gets noone at church its not a good thing haha, so i'm just going crazy chasing after people stoppin everyone i see just trying to get something, but nothing then it is like 5 minutes to 9:00 and we just have to be heading home and i was going crazy thinking we had nobody, and so we start cycling home and I see one guy just chilling at the bus stop and i say Elder Piredda i have to talk to him, so i pull my bike over and go sit right next to him and just start chatting with him, He see's my badge and says are you a latter day saint and i say no sir i'm from the church of Jesus Christ, and he says i have some friends who are latter day saints in London and i have always wanted to come and see what the church is like, so i say well sir where do you live we will be picking you up tomorrow morning haha, and so we get his address and on sunday pick him up and then another lady that we invited showed up so it was way good we were blessed, His name is Endy and Endy loved church he called his friend right after church and told him he loved it, we invited him to be baptized right next to the beautiful font and as of now he is preparing himself to be baptized on the 18th of july, i love it!! I love the gospel it is so true nothing more amazing that this!!!I love my mission and i am so greatful i get to be here serving the Lord!!! I don't want to be anywhere else!! Even playing baseball haha, I love it!!Thank you for all your love and support, i miss you so much and cant wait to hear from you again!! The new Mission President comes in on wednesday and boy it'll be weird to have a new one, but he is called of God so he will do amazing i know it!!
I love you!!
Elder Davidson
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Letter May 20th 2009
sounds like you have had quite a hectic week!! Well go lay down and put your feet up, you dont need to worry about getting me that stuff yet i have lots of time haha!!
I'm keeping Grandma and Grandpa in my prayers, sounds like they both have it ruff!! Lets just put our trust in God and everything will work out for the best no doubt!!
Well first of all ill just let you know its ok that you are making my hoop shorter because im gonna need more grass when i get home so i can play some good ol footie with all the boys, I love it haha this week we had mish football and right now ill be honest i feel like an old man i am so sore its insane i wanna cry everytime i pedal on my bike haha but it was way fun but we took 2nd :( lost by 1 in the championship but next time we got it easy no doubt haha!!!
But anyways how was everyones week?? mine was great especially seeing how i had a baptism on saturday, and it was WOW so good!!!! So saturday evening we show up to the church and start filling up the font then our member shows up with the investigator Wojtek, and he was all excited and so was i! so we get all dressed up in our white and take a couple pics then to my suprise President and Sister Moffett show up! So the program starts and it was just amazing the sister missionaries sang for us and all so it was great and then we went into the water, and it was beautiful and when we came out i follow Wojtek into the dressing room and i ask how do you feel Wojtek and all he says no lie was wow, and just hops in my arms and gives me a big hug oh my it was amazing, and to top it all off, we get dressed and walk into the chapel right as President Moffett was bearing his testimony and it just hit everyone right in the heart noone could deny the feeling that was there, it was just amazing i loved it!!
but anyways that was my week i love you all thanks so much for all your emails and your letters and your love!! Have an amazing week!!
P.S. Rob and Mathew Happy Birthday Brothers!!!! You guys are me heroes i love all my big brothers you guys are studs thanks for being such great examples!!!
Love you all, Elder Davidson
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Letter May 12th 2009
I cant believe i just heard everyones voices 2 days ago thats insane haha!! It was so good no doubt i loved it you guys are so amazing!! It made my whole week even that much better!!
I just want you guys to know that you are my strength without my familie behind me i wouldn't be able to do it, i dont know how the missionaries that are converts out here that dont have a familie that is in the church how they cope, wow it would be so hard! but i am so greatful for are heavanly father for this amazing familie that we are all apart of!! Its the most amazing thing ever!!
By the way cant wait to get that nioxin haha i just cant wait to see this hair start to grow back haha!! And i forgot one last thing that i would love for my birthday is some new michael jordan shorts, doesn't matter what color, Large haha! I just need some new shorts 1 pair just isn't getting the job done haha!!
Anyways thats insane that dad got called ans the stake clerk oh boy look at the lord just putting are familie to work!! He knows that dad will get the job done and he knows with a great wife behind him it will all get done in order haha!! That is a good thing less time to think about golf so when i get home i can just dominate haha!
Not much has happened in the last couple of days besides me wrecking on my bike and scratching up my arm thats about it haha, gotta watch myself out here hahaha!!
But ya i love you fam thanks for all you do, And i will hear from you in 1 week :)
Love You,
Elder Davidson
Monday, May 11, 2009
Mothers Day Phone Call!!!
Of course mom goes first and it doesn't take her long to start crying which makes the rest of us cry, or maybe just me!!! Mom had a good conversation with him and he said that they had nine investigators in church with them that day!!! Pretty neat we thought!! I'm not sure what was all said because I only got mom's side of the conversation. Mom got a little confused when he asked for Nioxin!! She was thinking it was some kind of medicine!! LOL I exsplained it was for hair loss!!! I guess he thinks he is losing all his hair so that was his request for his birthday!!! Also he let mom know he had given away the baseball she had sent him so he needed some more!
Finally it was my turn!! And of course mom was crying as she got off the phone so I was crying also!! It was so neat to hear his voice and he sounds amazing!!! He has a bit of an accent and he talks so proper! I was way impressed! Anyone who marries him is going to be very lucky! He has a strong testimony and he made sure he let me know before we got off the phone that the church is true, and Heavenly Father is preparing a kingdom in Heaven for me and my family as long as I do what is right!! Wow it was powerful to hear!! He is an amazing person and we all love and miss him so much!
Everyone else did get their turn and even though it was not as long as we would have like we enjoyed every min. of it!!!
As he said goodbye he let mom know that he was going to cycle home as fast as he could and cry himself to sleep because he missed us all so much!! Now that broke all of our hearts!!! But he is strong and he will get through another day. Now we have to wait all the way till christmas to hear his voice again! :(
Letter May 5th 2009
Thats spanish! its like i'm in mexico haha! So How is everybody?? So lets just say im stoked to hear all the families voices!! oh man its gonna be great! I hope you all of some good stories to tell!! And you best have every stat for every sport ready to shout out at me haha!! oh man do i love hearing about the good ol sports haha!!
Speaking of sports t-money that a baby way to tear it up with the football!! I cant wait to come home and show you my skills haha! We have been wakin up in the mornings and for excercise we have been playing footy and living with an english men has been good he has taught me how to really play haha love it!!
This week was pretty good Elder Newbury is a stud, he is intense i love the kid haha! He is getting me way excited and we stop and talk to everyone and just do the goofiest things to make them stop and chat with us i love it!
Bad news this week is my projection wojtek he smoked on sunday :( so we had to push his date tell next week but its okay it will still be way good, he is amazing and i love how the lord is blessing him he just glows now ah its wonderful!
OH and just for you Mom my Recent Converts are doing well! Dailis just is going to receive the aaronic priesthood this sunday, Iskram is going to be interviewed for the priesthood this sunday, Emma well emma has been crazy busy with finals but she is still doing good missed church the last couple of weeks but doing way good, Huy is doing amazing we taught him about the priesthood yesterday and he said i cant wait tell my baby 8 so i can baptize her haha i loved it!! Wiki is doing well she is still coming to church and the Byers a senior couple in coventry has taken over teaching her! The only one that is struggling is Matsiu he got caught back up with the wordly things and went back to his past he doesn't want to come to church anymore and he is going to spain next week, but i keep praying and hoping that i will be able to help we will just see!!
But ya cant wait to talk to you this week its going to be so amazing!! Happy Anniversery Mom and Dad!! Sorry im late i know im a waster what can i say, ill do better haha!! But Most importantly happy mothers day mom, i know its not for a week but ill let you know now just in case i forget haha jk i wont forget cuz ill be talking to ya :) the arrangements well ill probably just ring you from a phone card again and then maybe have you ring me back afterwards, just make sure everyone is there and ready to tell your boy a story haha!! invite everyone i wanna hear all there voices!!!!
But i love you take care and ill hear from you in a bit :)
Love you, Elder Davidson
Letter April 29th 2009
So guess what? my comp is getting transferred!! Ahhhhhhh..... this transfer flew by!!! I'm so stoked im gettin my flippin hero as a companion Elder Newbury!!!!! Ah he is my hero and im stoked to serve with him!! It will be a great transfer i'm sure of it!!
But this week was great we had 9 people come to church and picked up 5 new people who wanna be baptized so hopefully it will go well!!
Im glad to hear everyone is doing good sorry this is so short i just got to go to transfers right now haha, I love you!!
Elder Davidson
and of course i get to call home for mothers day ill tell you next week what is going down i should know more by then love ya!!
Letter April 21st 2009
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Letter April 14th 2009
7 fruit trees?? i hope its not going to interfere with my baseball field in the back yard?? From what i hear it just might be haha?? I hope you know that the first thing im doing when i get home is dominating everyone of my familie members at a homerun derby in the back yard haha so those trees best not be in my way haha!!
Well anyways sounds like everything is going good! Had a good easter so thats good :) thats great everything down here is great as well Easter was good, it will be better when i get my package this week so no mom hasn't come yet but i know itll get her soon no worries! Anyways we had another baptism this weekend, his name is Huy Tran we have been working with him since i first came to coventry but we finally got him to get baptized and it went great he loved it and now wishes he would have done it earlier and so do i haha but it was great! And um still looking for a camera but ill get one soon haha, Ill print off the pictures from Elder Nimers camera and try and send them to ya!
Anyways The vietnamese family is doing a little better we had to tell Thanh that he needed to move out in order to get baptized and the only problem is is we need to find him a place to stay and he is willing to do that, They really want to be baptized and are willing to do whatever it takes so thats so good to hear!!
Thats about it for the week, except for the fact that me and Elder Nimer almost got in a fight haha, We were cycling home and i look over and just see like these three kids just on top of this kid and he is just screaming for help so me being me i hop of my bike run over and I push one of then Elder Nimer pushes one off and then i go to push the 3rd kid off and he swings and luckily i saw it comin and was able to dodge it so i just push the kid on the ground and am sitting on top of him holding him down and the other kids all run off and this kid is just cussing up a storm and im like chill bud just chill out and ill let you go, im not going to let you go tell you chill out and so he finally calms down and i let him up and he starts walking away so we go and hop on our bikes and i look around and that kid and like 6 of his buddies are just sprinting at us so we hop on our bikes and just out run them but wow it was a closey haha but the lord is on our side so im not to worried haha!!
Anyways thanks for all the info on the buddies there all studs and they all deserve success and im sure that is all they are seeing!
Tell D-money that its always hard but once we get through that 1st trial that first hard time it all gets better I know because i have been there!! There are hard times to come but you get past the first time with the help of your familie and friends and you can get past them all!!
I love you all Thank you so much for everything!! Take Care and ill hear from you soon :)
P.S. M. Russell Ballard is coming to speak to the mission next tuesday so im finally going to get to talk to an apostle and IM STOKED ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!
I love you,
Elder Davidson
Letter April 7th 2009
So conference was amazing i absolutely loved it!! Wow, So many questions answered, so many problems fixed ahhhhh it was so good!! So I would have to say my favorite was also Elder Hollands wow he is just so powerful you just cant beat what he said, I loved it even more though because many of the things he taught helped me realize how much he really went through and that it isn't to be taken lightly and that has helped me as i have been teaching people about it, it has a special spirit that no one can deny and it has helped my teaching improve and i am greatful for that!! Those men are all inspired its amazing! I watched it in the stake centre by the way just in case you were wondering on the satelite broadcast and mother we do get the ensigns at zone conference and im stoked to read over them all again and recieve more insight!!
So this past week well its one of those weeks that was good but also not good, We have 2 people from Vietnam that are supposed to get baptized real soon and me and Elder Nimer this whole time thought they were married so when we taught the law of chastity we thought it was going to be no big deal and then turns out they aren't married and they have tried to get married but can because they don't have permanent residency so it has just been a big mess running around trying to figure out how and if they can get married so pretty hectic and we are still working on it so hopefully this week we can get it rolling! but thats about all that was happening this week!
Anyways, How is everybody?? sounds like all is well, What color did you paint your room?? i tell you what you are never satisfied are you haha, that wall probably has about 50 different colors of paint haha!! Im excited for the package nothing better then the american stuff!!
Mission life is great, stressful at times but amazing most the time!! And stoked to know that tyler is planning on a mission, Best decision of my life, i know that me just giving up 2 years the lord will provide the rest so my life is all set!
So how are my beaver Brothers? i'm hearing from my boy Chili but where is the rest at?? How they doing how is Big Dizzle? How Is Oldroyd?? How is Noel?? How is Eyre?? How is Beaumont?? How is Foster?? How is EVERYBODY??? Hopt to hear from you all soon!!
Well im goona say cheers and bounce!!
Love you all thanks for all you do!!
Elder Davidson>
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Letter March 31st 2009
So wow what a week! lets just begin haha, So right after i get done emailing last week me and my comp go to walk out of the library and i see Emma the lady that was supposed to get baptized this weekend so i go over talk to her and she kept saying Elder Davidson its not to late to change my mind is it, and I just was like Emma there is no changing your mind you want this and i know you wont regret it and well it all seemed good and so i said ill see you later tonight ok, so then me and Elder Nimer leave the library and go clean the flat and what not but then we go out to our appointment with her and she wasn't home, so i was getting a little nervous but i was like no problem something just came up, so i ring her phone and she is like Elder Davidson I cant do it i need more time, I cant be baptized so i spend an hour on the phone reading scriptures to her and promising her blessings and telling her experiences and all this good stuff and she finally says ok i will do it. So i set up an appointment for the next day and all is fine so i go to sleep that night and sure enough at 1 in the morning i get this text saying Elder Davidson I cant do it i dont wanna be baptized, so i lose a whole night of sleep because im just praying and searching for scriptures to read to her and my companion is just sleeping like a baby how he managed to sleep through the ringing of the text i dont know, so the alarm goes off and im just sitting at my desk and my companion was like what are you doing and I just throw the phone on the bed and have him read the text message and then i show him the 2 pages of notes that i came up with during the night on how we are going to resolve her concern, so i call her that morning and just said Emma we are going to be around your area can we come talk to you and so she comes outside and Me and my companion spend another 2 hours resolving her concern and she finally says she will go through with it AGAIN!!! So Then saturday comes and i have to call her every hour to reassure her that everything will be alright and then she wont regret it and man was it alot of work so 5:00 p.m. rolls around and she shows up to the baptism and says Elder Davidson I CANT DO IT!!!! So me and her and my companion go for a walk and while everyone is waiting in the chapel for us we are resolving her concern once again and finally I read her Alma 7 and she says ok thats it ill do it lets go, and finally after all the heck of the week we finally got her in the water, oh man was it a good experience as well and on sunday when she recieved the holy ghost it was just as good!!! She loved it, She has been calling me and calling me and just keeps saying thank you so much elder davidson for not giving up on me i dont know what i would have done with out this and all this good stuff and so through all the heart ache and lack of sleep it was all worth it in the end!!!
So ya that was my crazy crazy week, but it flew by thats for sure!! It sounds like everyone is doing good, Zach got a new Boat? (spoiled) Cant wait to take some girls out on that when i get home :) Anyways is everyone excited for Conference because i know i am!! I don't understand why i didn't like conference back home, I mean a real life prophet is speaking to the world, and is saying what God told him to say, There is nothing more exciting then that!!!
I haven't got a camera yet but im getting one today, i got a bike though and wow is it good to have a bike that isn't a junker!!!! The Flat mates and getting loads better im getting used to living with the english guys so its good we are becoming buddies so its all good all good!!
Well Family i love you hope your week goes good, and ill hear from you in about a week, Tell everyone you see hello for me :)
In a Bit,
Elder Davidson
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Letter March 25th 2009
so crazy week this week thats for sure! so first of all the baptism went great, Dailis loved it! and so did i! it was so fun he doesn't have much money so me and elder rawlings sewed up this suit for him and got him looking sharp for his baptism and for his confirmation!! i have some good pictures i will have to send home!!
But about my companion, we were getting on so great i was absolutely loving working with him and we were dominating the field out here in coventry and then on monday i found out he was getting transferred, so i got a new companion today!!!!
His name is Elder Nimer he is from st geezy crazy but i actually new his girlfriend from st george haha hung out with her a couple of times but wont be telling him that anytime soon haha, but he is good I like him already!! He played golf for Pine View so im sure my little bro dominated him on the course but we wont remind him of that yet to early haha!! So ya that should be good im sure we will get along great!!
But to top it all of i got another English person in the flat and man i don't know if ill be able to take it! 1 was ruff enough i just wanna hit him sometimes but now that we got 2 well its gonna be ruff but ill survive!! Gotta love the people especially my flat mates :)
Anyways we have another baptism this week! Her name is Emma she is from gonna!! She is way excited for her baptism and it should be a good one!! Gotta love when the lord is blessing you! Nothing Better then helping people recieve this happiness thats for sure!!!!!!!>
So i made the last batch of peanut butter cookies last night and wow im getting better and better! but they just go to fast! all the people in the flat just chow down on them and they are gone within an hour its crazy but there just amazing!!
But whats going on in the sports world? How are my Yanks doing?? how about the pistons ya know my boy A.I.?? How bout the jazz?? I mean you know i need to be hearing about this stuff i miss it haha!!
But ya thats pretty much my week!
im excited for this package though, man do i miss american things haha!! Pretty much everything! if you could send me a steak mom that would be great could use one of those haha there always amazing and i haven't had on for about 7 months!! Crazy!!!!!!
ANyways i miss ya all have a great week!! take care of yourselves,
by the ways the weather is looking up its starting to get warmer and warmer i think its at about 45 degrees so thats pretty good haha!!
Love ya, Elder Davidson
Letter March 17th 2009
so this week went well, dialis is doing great he passed his interview and he is all ready for his baptism on saturday oh man itll be great im stoked for that one! we also have a lady named emma who is getting baptised on the following saturday! oh man i tell you what the lord is sure blessing us! even though none of these people are english hey ill take it haha, im sure one day ill get one of them there stubborn english people to get wet haha!
So i made some no bake peanut butter cookies and i tell you what i am pro! they were so good, they only lasted about 10 minutes but they were good while they lasted haha, but i have to say they weren't as good as yours mother but i tell you noone can ever out do you in cooking noone!!!
thats crazy to hear about the new mission president im sure he will do great i mean he is coming into the worlds best mission who can go wrong there! Im gonna miss president moffett he is a good guy and a hardworker but it will be fun to have that new experience!!
Anyways ill look for a camera that will last haha no worries i wont make the mistake twice of buying something that is cheep!! the memory card thank goodness is still working for now anyways but im sure it will be fine!
Tell tyler he needs to step up his game if i have learned anything about soccer since i have been out its that defense is everything! if you have a good back line you can dominate anyone haha!!> > anyways mom can you send me my old retainer if you can find it and my whitening treys with some whitener stuff that would be amazing if you cant don't worry about it! i just wanna try to fix my teeth ya know what im saying?
So madre have you heard anything about d money? i haven't heard anything from him or from his fam in along time! how is he doing??
but ya thats about all for this week next week will be better cuz you know ill be talking about our baptism ah!!!!!
Have a great week! take care i love you all!!
Elder Davidson>
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Letter March 10th 2009
so this week is gonna be a little shorty because i gots some things i gots to do!! But ill try to answer all the questions ok!
1) Last week was really good!
2) Iskrams Baptism went great wow i just wish you all could have seen his smiling face after he came out of the water i have never in my life seen something that amazing and the feeling was incredible! Its just one of those things you cant describe! but it was great haha!
3) Elder Rawlings is from bountiful utar!! (he is my comp) Elder Wells is from Arizona, and Elder Walker is from leeds which is here in england!! We get along great i love just goofing off with them its so fun! but you don't get as much sleep in a 4 man as you do in a 2 man cuz there is always something and someone to talk to or about its crazy!!
4) lunch with president was pretty good! it was good to have a chat with him and the AP's! He is a really funny guy once you get past the hardcoreness haha!!
5) I did get your package!! thank you so much! i haven't made the cookies yet but i i will sometime this week no doubt!
Tell dad ill just get the shirts out here! there is this store called pri mark where we can get way nice shirts for cheep and they are just my size!! Thank you for going and getting them you can send them if you want im sure i wil find use for them!!
Anyways the rest of the week was crazy we are teaching this guy named Dialis, he is homeless but is so good!! He is struggling though with the smoking but we found a solution and he just comes and works with us most the day its really funny cuz he is from latvia and doesn't speak very good english but tries his best to stop people and give them a book of mormon its way good!! He is gonna be a sweet convert cuz we will always have a member with us so we can rack up those member lessons haha!!
Anyways madre love ya and love you all thanks for everything you do cant wait to here from you next week!!
Elder Davidson
Love you!
Oh and by the way um i baptized my camera with me on saturday!! Um and its not working so i don't know what to do! any suggestions just let me know ok haha?
Elder Davidson
Letter March 3rd 2009
Hopefully the shirts dad picked up are slim fit because the ones out here that i have for home are huge!!!!! But if he didn't no worries ill be alright!! by the way the weather is getting warmer! i only have to wear 1 coat instead of 2 so its great haha!!
so how is everybody?? how is t money? how is carlie? how is everybody!! I swear its been fer days since i have heard from either of those two! hopefully they are doing good!
But out here things are going great! the animal house is spotless haha! today instead of working out we thought we better clean seeing how president is coming to take me and elder rawlings out to lunch and we better make the house look good so we dont get in trouble! Terrible reason but hey it got the house clean haha!! Anyways we have a baptism this week so im excited for that it will be way good! His name is Iskram and he is from bulgaria, and im glad that i am baptizing him because in about 10 years he will be filthy rich and he will be able to hook a brother up haha jk!! He is awesome and is already sharing the gospel with his family back in bulgaria! he phoned them up and told them to go to the church over there, gave them the address and all oh man he is a stud and his baptism will be great!
We have some cool new people with baptismal dates but satan works so well that people just come and go so quickly, so we wont count the eggs yet! Me and my comp are getting along pretty good, we have had a couple throw downs but hey we are both hard headed and stubborn and want it the way we want it haha but its all good we always end up going back and makin a joke out of it! He is a stud though love the kid to death!
But ya not much this week but next week im sure there will be lots more to tell about how the baptism went!! All i can say is that the lord always provides no matter what it is he will provide!!
I love you all have a great week!! Thanks for all you do for me you are so amazing!!
Elder Davidson
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Letter February 24th 2009
So first of all, did you get my sd card from my camera?? Second of all I love coventry! third of all i hope that package you sent has sunflower seeds and some mountain dew because i tell you what you boy out here is craving it!!!!
Mum um with my investigators in the forest i heard that mary got baptized but i didn't hear about Julia and the family but soon i will know hopefully haha!! With my pics on the camera feel free to send some to everyone i mean they gotta remember how good looking elder davidson really is haha!!
My shoe size?? well it is a 10! is dad planning on sending shoes?? if he wants to send me anything he should send me some shirts!! Short sleeve! 15 and 1/2 slim fit haha!! all my are getting kinda wore but they will last for a while! if he wants he can just put a little extra in the bank and ill buy myself but whatever its up to him im not that needy haha!!!
And well the bathroom well we had the senior couple come and inspect our flat and well lets just say the results weren't great so we spent pretty much all p-day cleaning up the flat and well it looks spic and span now!!
By the way Hydis lets just say that baby is good looking haha, it must take after elder davidson thats all i can say haha!! we know he didn't get those good looks from his father mathew haha jk, speaking of mathew fool dont you be complaining about my madres homemade cookies i would kill for some of those right now oh man oh man!!
Speaking of food i ate the worst meal of my life the other night seriously the guy put cat food on some rotton mashed potatoes holy cow i was gagging while i was eating it but seein how i am a missionary i had to compliment him and tell him it was good and that i enjoyed it but wow that night i spent the whole night next to the toilet oh boy it was nasty thats for sure!!
but enough complaining now to the good stuff, we picked up 2 more projections on sunday so we have 4 scheduled to be baptize 1 on the 6th of march and 3 on the 14th of march!! oh man i am stoked! I love it we just teach teach teach and a little tracting.... most of the finding we do is on our way to appointments and we stop people while we are on bikes its hard but its fun at the same time me and my companion just box people in so they cant go anywhere its great haha!! but coventry is the blessed land! the lord is blessing this place like crazy! he is just putting those people who are going to be receptive in our paths! like one of our projections name harold, we were getting home at night it was 9 o clock and we see this guy and i was like hey mate you wanna come to church on sunday and he was like yes so we taught him he came to church and now he has a baptismal date oh man i just love it!!
Oh and the bike i bought well lets just say it was great for about 2 days and then we went on exchange and i chained it up to a post and we went into our appointment came out i got on my bike the pedal fell off and then my chain broke and a bunch of stuff all went wrong and i went to take it back and they wouldn't let me, but i guess thats what i get for buying a cheap bike!! but i am making it work so no worries its all good!!
Anyways i love the gospel, it is so true!! I am so happy to be out here serving the lord! It does get hard sometimes but with the lord anything is possible so all is well!!!
I love you, thanks for all your support!!
Elder Davidson
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Letter February Feb 17th 2009
So how is everybody? has the baby come yet?? Well this week was great i got here and then on saturday we had two baptisms and i got to baptize a lady named xia chen (wiki) she is from china and she is amazing! and my companion baptize a guy name matsui something haha he is from france and i got to confirm him on sunday oh man that was crazy i was so nervous but it went well went well haha!! but ya i tell you what i am in the promised land now, cuz on saturday we baptized two and on sunday we had three other people come to church who we asked to get baptized and are planning on getting baptized on march 6th so that will be way good im excited for that one!!
We are in a 4 man flat and i tell you what it is so hard to keep our flat clean but we try!! Its really fun its like having 4 brothers all in one house so its sweet i enjoy it! My comp is a stud though he is quite the funny kid so its good to mess aboot with him everyonce in a while!!>
Anyways how is everybody?? I hope i get that package soon cuz you know me i love packages :) but mother and father i had to purchase a bike because elder creamer gave me his but the brakes dont work first of all and there is only one pedal because he broke it off on the coach so i tried to live with it but after almost dying a couple times i figured i better buy me one that will keep me safe haha!! But Im actuallly loving being on a bike it gets me some excercise that is well needed so its good!
But i am sending the memory card today so it should get there by next week ok mother!!
I love you all have a great week and ill hear from you soon k!!
Letters would be lush :)
Love you
Elder Davidson
The English Brother!!