Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Letter December 2nd 2008
How are you? sounds like you had a good thanksgiving and everyone had fun! ha good good! yes mother the fireplace looks amazing and so does the whole front room! good work :) maybe ill get to see it in a couple years well probably not you and dad will probably end up changing your minds about that and end up changing it again haha! i think its about every two years you guys get disatisfied haha :)
> Thank you so much for the package! the christmas tree and lights were amazing :) i absolutely love them they are just making our flat sparkle haha! and im excited to see what will be in the next box!! it should be good! Hopefully soon i can hit up a place that prints off pictures so i can send some home the family! but in the forest they arent that posh haha!! its kinda a podunk little place ha!!>
But anyways this week well...... Yup i still love my companion! he is a good guy hard working a great teacher so its good to learn knew things and learn how i can better myself! but it was just a good ol week of tracting! nothing to special going on this week we had alot of people who we thought were going to be good flog and alot of people that we have been teaching not except the message but its ok I just gotta keep my head up and keep on going! its getting some what tougher and tougher but its ok im getting through it! if it wasnt for all your guys's love and support i probably wouldnt be! so thank you!! >
The good knews is is today before i came to email you guys it was snowing! we had a good inch on the ground haha i loved it it really made it feel like the christmas time!> Speaking of christmas did you guys know i get to call home that day? yeah!!!! im excited haha it will be good! but maybe just one thought maybe you could ask some girl who i kinda hung out with alot before i left to come over and have just a little two minute chat with Elder D. i promise it wont take away from your guys time cuz you know your the most important!! (MOM ESPECIALLY :) hopefully you dont get the wrong idea like i dont wanna talk to you guys cuz thats not it at all just a little thought haha!! You dont have to if you dont want to!!>
But another thought for christmas..... um if you guys havent got anything or if you want to wait tell after christmas i would be okay with that but i kinda want a camel back!!! its getting a pain having to carry around water bottles and then geting done drinkin them in like point 2!! my comp has one and he said it is amazing for when you are on a bike and since in a couple months i will probably be on a bike i thought it might be a good plan! but just a thought nothing that i absolutely need just a thought haha i can live without one!! and mom dont worry it doesn't have to be black! I swear im the only person who has a black rock sack haha! but i love ya to death mom for keeping your son on the straight and narrow!! Exact obedience right haha! love ya :)>
But Man im throwin out all this needy stuff and you guys aren't getting anything in return so how about this...... Anything Elder Davidson can do for you guys?? I am willing to do anything all you have to do is ask! enough of my needs what do you guys need??> >
Well i love you all thanks so much!!
> I miss you!!> >
Elder Davidson
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Letter # 2 November 25th 2008
your lucky enough to be at home eatin a good ol home cooked meal by the most amazing cook ever (thats Mom) and im out hear starving to death ha ha jk but have a good one love you all!!
> Elder Davidson
Letter November 25th 2008
how is everybody? how has the week been? well out here its been crazy!I went out to birmingham to pick up my knew comp and it was great! i got to meet up will all my buddies from the mtc! i loved it! it was great to see how everyone had been doing and good to see that i wasn't the only one that had been strugglin a little! i know that sounds bad but it was just good to have some people to talk with and share how we got through it and stuff!! but ya man i got a knew companion right and first of all his name is elder creamer! stud! love the kid to death! hard worker! reminds me so much of my good buddy Elder Moss! and i think thats why i love the kid so much!! but ya man i tell you what leading people around is a pain! i hate being the person that makes all the plans and all the stressful stuff haha! but no just kiddin its good i kinda like being the boss! but i tell you what i should have paid more attention when my last companion was leading me around the forest because i dont know where anything is haha! but i tell you what i am pro at reading a map now a days haha!! but ya everything is going good!> >
But anyways no i haven't got a letter from beau yet? hopefully he hits me up pretty soon i would love to hear from him! i miss my brother!!! but infact its been a while since anyone has written me post! geez family your slacking haha jk jk im excited to see whats in the package and stuff it makes me happy to know something is coming!> >
but for christmas i dont care about anything really i would just love to get a tape with everyone on it! like all the nephews and nieces and just everyone it would be great to hear from them!! Sunflower seeds are pretty good actually but i can always do with more :) what i want candy wise is oreos!! i tell you what i miss them! and butterfingers and reeses man anything thats american ship it over haha!
> > But mom did ya figure out what color your painting the house? wait what part of the house are you painting? I would love pictures to see how it turns out when its done! i love getting pictures just so everybody knows :) even pictures printed off sent off with a letter that would be great!!> >
But the work well lets just say its slow ha! but its good! my companion and i are working our tails off and he and i are finding alot of knew people to teach so thats a good thing! he has alot of faith and that is something this area needed because i was starting to lose it but a new comp came in and fixed that right up! and we are going to have some success this week! We have a couple people who just cant stop smoking and its killing us they are so close to baptism but they just wont stop! But we are going to keep working on them! > Julia and her family are still doing great they are coming to church every week and there kids even sang in the primary program a couple weeks ago it was great they loved it! but she is pretty set on proposing on christmas but we are trying super hard to get her to move it up so we will see! she is quite the stubborn lady though ha!!>
But anyways fam good to hear from ya all! dont be afraid to drop some letters everyonce in a while i promise ill write you back haha! > >
? whats bid t money been up to? that kid needs to write his big bro back!!> >
Love ya all!!> > Elder Davidson
Letter November 20th 2008
how is the week going? wow mom sounds like you guys are going to have a busy day today! tell everyone i say hello! man i tell you what i am so jealous that im not going to be there for thanksgiving! man me and my comp were talkin about all the pies and the food just scattered all over the table! and just eatin turkey for days haha! but this week because Elder Skidmore was leaving the Lawsons a member family in our branch fed us a thanksgiving dinner! well what they thought was a thanksgiving dinner haha! it didnt even compare to home! and especially not to my madres cooking haha! but it was still good they are way nice and i was greatful for them! > So i stayed in the good ol forest of dean but i got a new companion! his name is elder creamer! he is a way cool kid! i already like him haha! but he is quite a talker so quite a big change for me seein how my last companion didnt really talk haha! but no it will be good im excited!> So sounds like the house is gettin all decked out with some new stuff! I swear you and that father of mine are never satisfied haha! there is always something that isnt good enough! just big complainers you are haha jk!> Mother and that color blind joke was so uncalled for! My new companion made fun of me cuz i said i love his black suit and he said its brown haha! so already my new comp has something to make fun of me about haha!> But this week with the work was kinda slow!!!! we did alot of knockin on doors so it wasnt my favorite week haha but it was still ok! we are just workin on finding some new investigators because some of the people we are teaching right now are kinda wasters! but we still love them cuz they are all our brothers and sisters!! > but mom i love that story about mormon in the book of mormom! did i tell you i finally finished it a couple of weeks! and i absolutely loved every second of it! i am almost done with alma on my second go around and i am still learning knew things! i absolutely love the book of mormon!> but ya i hope everyone has a good week! i miss you all very much! thanks so much for all you do! and i will talk to you in the soon future :)> >
Elder Davidson> >
P.S. Mother and Father. please dont be angry but i had to take some money out of my account for food! i had to pay for a driving theory test so all my money from the mission home went to that! I am very sorry! ill do better i promise! Love you!!> >
Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!> > >
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Letter November 11th 2008
So another week down! and well not much going on this week! we didnt really have anything exciting happen that i can remember haha! well on saturday we took julia and her family to the guy fox day where they have this huge bonfire and they have fireworks and stuff so it was way fun! they got to know the branch alot better so they are doing real good thats for sure! We are still going over and teaching them like twice a week and they are so amazing julia understands the book of mormon better then i do haha! jk well on some parts she really does! but she has some great questions that make me and elder skidmore really think things through and it has definately helped me in my knowledge i think as much as it has helped her! But ya she is doing great! she is still planning on proposing on christmas and she told us at church on sunday that after she got married her and her family will all get baptized together! and we are trying to get her to move it up a little bit but she is quite that stubborn lady sometimes haha! but if she does wait i just hope im here to see her family take that step! > but really we have a few people that we are teaching and that have baptismal dates which are soon but i dont wanna ruin it and say that they are going to get baptized on that day and then them ending up not so we will just say we have a couple getting close haha! 1 is this way amazing j.w. lady i tell you what they are the hardest people to teach because there bible doesn't say anthing that ours does and they just have a hard time changing and thinkin in different ways then the way they have been taught! But she is really fun to teach cuz when you prove one of the J.W. beliefs wrong she is like oh ya that totally makes sense! its so funny to see her just change and be like ya my church is crazy ha i love it!! but she is a really nice lady that we are going to plan on baptizing quite soon so itll be good!> Anyways how is everyone? Guess what? its my companions 20th birthday today! he is old haha! no but we are going to go to gloucester today and have a sweet b-day party with the whole zone so it should be pretty sweet!!> Yes mom i got the package! thanks so much! the coats are really warm like crazy warm ha there perfect! they are a little on the bigger side! i think dad is plannin on me gainin about 80 pounds haha! but yes thank you so very much! your amazing!> But sounds like abama won the election? people over here are all excited about it to and i just dont think its going to be very good to be honest! The J.W. lady said that he was saying that there is going to be peace and joy or something and she then quoted a scripture from revelation that stated when man screams peace, God will scream war! it was something like that! and me and elder skidmore got talkin about it and well sounds quite dodgey!! But what do you guys think??> Glad to hear big D's farewell went good! he will be a great missionary! he is just a big teddy bear everyone will love him haha! I sure did so im sure everyone else will! he is a stud he will do good!> So how is beau? have him tell that guy to ship him out to england ha! england is the place to be haha!!> Anyways thanks for all you do mom and everybody your amazing!! i love you all and cant wait to hear from you!!> And i will look for a family that might need something for christmas and let you know!!
> > Elder Davidson> > >
P.S. mother dont worry im happy i promise :)
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Letter November 4th 2008
so how was your week this week haha! well sounds like last week was full of funness! i would love to see some pictures of my nephews ya know from my sister hydi? i haven't heard from her in days it would be great if ya know she would show her brother some love haha!! and mom remember how i told you i need a letter with peoples b days on it? still havent gotten it haha! but its ok i forgive you! But man sounds like halloween was a blast for everyone! it was pretty good here to! we went out tracting that night and i came home with like two pockets full of candy haha even though we only came home with about one new investigator haha! but ya halloween isnt really a big deal over here i guess cuz when people go door to door people give them money? how crazy is that they just hand people money as they come knockin on doors and i guess if you dont give the kids money they egg your house ha! but luckily we tracted in one of the nicer areas where there wasn't any little hooligans running around doing that kinda stuff haha!> Anyways im pretty good with my memory card i think i have alot of memory left but if not well then looks like i wont be takin anymore pictures haha jk jk! no i dont need one now but maybe in like the future i could use one! but geez you guys are spendin enough money on me and i dont need anything! im excited for the coats though not gonna lie! it has been getting so cold over here like freezing cold everynight i go back to the flat and just sit next to the heater cuz im froze haha! so itll be great to have extra clothing!!> Anyways guess what?? it snowed this week! how crazy is that? i snowed haha! but it only was on the ground for about 5 seconds cuz it started to rain right after and it melted it all! but it was good to see!!> Anyways this week was quite good for my testimony! we were tracting and we tracted into i minister at a church of england church and luckily i was the one that knocked on the door haha! ok so it wasnt a good thing cuz as soon as he opened the door he just smiled like he was excited we knocked on his door and i was thinkin to myself oh no not good not good he is going to tear me apart! and just like that he did we started talkin and he just started spittin out scriptures left and right and i was doing my best to answer and he could tell that he was gettin to me! so he just kept it coming and coming and then finally after like ten minutes of him just dominating me he said something about the trinity and so i was like oh you believe in the trinity and he said well....... i dont know quite what i believe and i said you are confused about what you believe? and he said ya i dont know what to believe with that one! and so i just smiled and said well sir i know that they are seperate and the difference between me and you is that ya i might not know all the scriptures exactly but i do know that they are seperate and they did a appear to joseph smith in a grove of trees and that he did set up the same church that jesus christ set up while he was on the earth! and i know that the book of mormon is the word of god and it is true! and he just stopped talkin and had nothing to say after that and i said so i would love to leave this book of mormon with you and i know that if you read and pray about it you will come to know that it is true and that they are seperate and he just said alright well ill have a read through it! and just like that i just went to the next doors and did the same thing just bore testimony and bore testimony and it was just like something inside me was overflowing and my testimony had to be shared! it was so amazing it was even pouring rain and i didnt care i just wanted to keep going door to door and keep knocking doors! and lately thats how it has been even though ya there are some days when i dont quite feel like talkin to everyone and knockin doors but those days usually end with me wanting to do it! so it has been really good! and this church is so true and so amazing! and i love it haha!! but ya i hope you guys all have a great week! and cant wait to hear from you!> > P.S. Dad looks so good as a donkey haha! and it looks like he has lost about 100 pounds! he must be passing it on to his son because i tell you what im gettin chubby haha!> > I love you all have a great week and cant wait to hear from you! and ya i tought tyler well he is a stud! tell him he needs to write is brother another email back! asap!!! and tell carlie she best be writin soon to! and hydi! and just everyone you see haha! and mother will you get jordan swindlehurst adress and logans to please??
> > Love you!!> >
Elder Davidson>
Letter Oct 28th 2008
sorry about loosin the last email! i just dont know how to work these here english computers haha! but man you should feel lucky cuz i lost so many of my pictures last week tryin to send you some! man it was quite depressing jk it was ok i still have lots of pictures on the camera ha!! anyways sounds like your week was ok ya? well thats good! sounds like you still got your skill at rummy haha! thats a good thing your lucky i wasn't there or i would of totally dominated you haha!! > > Anyways the coat i bought well its definately not the warmest coat you could buy haha! but it gets the job done i bought it for 9 pounds which is way cheep but its all i need im lookin for a little warmer one still though because its gettin cold!! as soon as i step out my flat in the morning i get the cold chills! and especially at about 5 when the sun goes down then it gets super cold like burrrrr hahah!! and yes the sun goes down at 5 and it sucks! cuz after its dark noone i mean noone opens the doors! But we are getting smarter and scheduling are appointments later at night so when it gets dark and cold we are in a warm house! ha so thats where my brains came in haha! > > But julias family they are doing good! we projected the little girls and the accepted so now that we got them we are trying to get julia to get married so we can get her and her husband! its comin along just very slowly haha! > > So ya are week was pretty slow as well! nothing else to special happened that i can remember but im sure after i leave this library something will pop in my head that i forgot to say or tell ya! > > But for the question um i dont really have an answer that comes directly to mind but all i have to say that i have realized since i have been out is that the hardest part about committing to anything is STARTING!!! But as soon as we start and as soon as we show the lord we are willing to do anything he will bless us! so START!!> But i will think about it and let you know what else comes to mind k?> > Anyways mother! haha we are aloud to wear shorts out here! so dont give me that haha! anyways I love you all! have a great week! i miss you all so much and am so greatful for all your support! > >
Elder Davidson> >
Letter From October 14 2008
Date: Tue, 14 Oct 2008
So i just wrote a huge email and the stupid computer shut off right before => i sent it so lets try again!! so what they gay?? i leave for 2 months and your changing everything and giving everything away?? geeze haha im gonna need some pictures to see how everything is looke mmmmmkk?? :) and what is this me and tyler made the big red couch dirty? oh please you know it was all him haha? he is a little rat!! and no he didnt write me and tell me anything about his state tourny and im quite angry i was all excited to hear about it today and nothing! thats bush!! you best tell me or have him tell me by next week or im gonna be quite upset ha! if he did good i might just send him a lil sumfim sumfim! :) oh and dad and tyler are you jealous that i golfed an england course? haha i bet you are! you dont have to lie :)> What? dad bought a chain saw? he cant be havin one of those he will saw his arm off haha! and doug a pro? hmmm well mom all i can say is you better be watchin them close and have a phone in hand ready to ring emergency services haha!!> Oh mom! i knew you would find a way to find out how i was doing by someone else but me haha! and yes sister james is a ways nice lady! she gives us 5 pound everyweek for fish and chips haha! so at least you know im eating good one day out of the week haha jk im eating good everyday no worries! and dont worry about the coat it actually hasnt been that cold these last couple weeks! it has actually been quite hot! but dont you worry me and elder skidmore are getting me a coat on thursday when we go to gloucester so dont worry ok! i dont think i need a coat im gettin so hairy haha! im turnin into dad! im gettin a gut and gettin more hair all over my body haha! serious i have to shave my face twich a day or its all pokey it sucks i hate it!! Anyways my week was pretty good! at church this sunday we had julias whole family there! there was like 8 of them!! it was crazy! but it was great to because they looked like they had been in the branch there whole lifes! like they just fit in perfect julia is going with the relief society the little kids sang with the primary in there program! it was just amazing to see! i loved it! it made me realize how hard it must have been for you mom to take care of all us little terrors during sacrement meeting because watching julia try to take care of her little ones and still pay attention was quite interesting ha but they were more behaved then any other little child in the branch so that was good ha! so ya she is doing good! I love teaching her and her family! i am getting so close to there family i just feel at home i play with the little kids they call me elder D its great i love it haha! so ya its going good! thanks for your prayers im sure it is helping!! other then that nothin else really going on not really teaching anyone else! we just knock knock knock on doors haha! i have already knocked everydoor in cinderford and everydoor in coleford ha it kinda sucks but its ok we will find some more people i know it!! anyways have a great week! i love you all and am so greatful to be apart of the family I am! thanks for all you do and all your support!
Elder Davidson> >
P.S. mother can you tell me how much a 3 to 5 bedroom house would cost in b=> eaver? a guy from the branch wants to know! > > Love Ya!!> > > >
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Letter October 8th
Wow so 2 months ha ya not a very long time but it sure feels like forever haha! So anyways how was everyones weeks been? How was Tylers golf game? hopefully he dominated that would be sweet if the lil bro was playin some golf at SUU! He is a stud so im sure he did well! Can't wait to hear about the results! I want them in full detail haha?! So sounds like the fams doing good though! So you went through the temple with big D eh? How was it? ya the temple is weird the first time but after that when you go back a couple of times and actually understand it its really good! and its a great place to take any question up with the Lord cause well its his house ha! But ya I wrote him just so you know madre! and he best be writing his boy back!! but i cant think of anything i really need right now in that letter oh except for that cord for my camera that might be good! But just a letter is always super good to so either way!! anyways mom what do you expect a man has to eat and burger king was the nearest place haha! and dont worry im eating good dont you be worrying about that! im a fantastic cook ha!Anyways this week was pretty good! and the golfing was amazingly fun! I sent dad my score card and as you can see I didn't play very good on the front 9 but i was a little rusty but on the back 9 i got my game back and so was dominating haha so ya it was way fun i have some pics that i will see if i can print off sometime soon!
we taught a few people and had a few appointments but none of them are really progressing but julia the lady we have been teaching for a while is doing really good! we actually found out that she has a family of six and we have started to teach the whole family and we are pretty sure that in the next few weeks we are going to get a knew family in the branch so that will be amazing! but she still has some issues with the law of chastity! she loves her husband but she is scared that if they get married it might end up like her last marriage! but we have this really good member that comes out with us and he is really good for her because he has had alot of relationships that have failed and one amazing one that has worked so he is good for us and its so great to hear his testimony when we ask him to bear it it just fills the room with the spirit so its always way super good! but they are a really cool family and are starting to love coming to church and she knows its all true but she just wont take that last step of faith! but we are going to get her to! I know it!! with the Lord on our side how could we not right?? ha
well anyways YES i loved conference it was so amazing! wow everyone of those speakers answered one of my questions that i needed to be answered for my investigators! you can tell that those people are totally inspired by God!! but mom im glad you watched the saturday morning one did you listen to the lady that told everyone to write the missionarys haha?? so now everyone who reads this email better be writing me a letter! and i best be gettin loads in the post in the next couple days haha!! but president monson the prophet told us to not let the people close go without them knowing you love them so i want you all to know that i love you so very much and im so very very grateful for all the love and support you guys give me! i pray for your happiness every night and now i know how people can pray for days and nights its because there praying for something important that needs time and thats how i feel at night and my knees are sore as could be haha jk! no but seriously I love you all! have a good week!
Elder Davidson
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Letter Tuesday Sept 30th 2008
well this week went pretty good! bunch of tractin of course ha the forest is quite the place i tell you what people come up with the greatest excuses to not talk to you ha its so funny sometimes! they always have something! but its ok im gettin used to it! and been taking alot more advantage on the people that will listen and will leave the door open long enough! My new favorite one to keep people to leave the door open is your to busy for jesus! cuz i start out sayin hey we are from the church of jesus christ and just sharin a message about him and then ill ask if they believe in jesus and if they say yes and then say but im busy right now i say to busy for jesus? and then they have to leave the door open if there true christians haha i love it! then once you get chattin with them they always find something interesting they wanna learn about so its so good! but this one lady got so angry when i said it and said no im not to busy for jesus and like yelled it at my face and then slammed the door it was so crazy! me and my comp just brushed it off and have a good laugh about it every night haha! but anyways i projected my first lady for baptism last thursday! and she accepted :) i was so excited! but she has a partner and we are teaching her the law of chastity tonight so hopefully that goes good its going to be quite interesting! but she has two daughters who came to church with her on sunday and we taught them a couple things so itll be good to get them and this lady to be baptized on the same day and me and my comp are going to do it! no doubt that we cant i just hope she will except the law of chastity and get married but we will see how that goes tonight ha! but ya nothing else really happened this week. but anyways sounds like tyler did good at region 2nd is pretty good but i know he can do better! but he will dominate at state cant wait to here about that one! but mom good to hear that you are fellowshipping that new lady at the ward it is really important to fellowship those new members cuz we are all the lords sons and daughters and so we need to treat each other like that! that is definately something i have learned just to be friendly to everyone out here even if there makin fun of me i still go chat with them a little bit even if i know all they will do is mock me but it makes a good chat haha! oh and thanks so much for the parcel! i loved gettin all that candy and everything ah it was great! so thank you so much! and sorry about the funds i had to get so much as a greeny i had to send out a provisional license which cost 54 pounds and then i had to sign up for a theory test which cost 50 pounds so i had to use my own cash for food and stuff so im sorry! ill do better this month promise! but one thing could you guys look out for me is some leather winter gloves black ones like dad has my companion says those are the best for winter so that would be amazing! and ya still lookin for a winter coat but there isnt really anywhere to buy one out in the forest but ill keep looking! sorry again about spendin so much money! me and my comp are going to golf an england course today for p day and im stoked i cant wait to send my score card home to dad and him being all jealous haha! wow almost been out two months time is flyin by!but anyways thanks for everything and especially all the emails i love gettin on every tuesday! but i love LETTERS even more haha so thanks for everything i love you all! > > P.S. mother did you chat with chanda cuz she sent me half the stuff i asked for haha? and in the little note i got from both of you it said keep on truckin so ya wuts up with that hmmmm? :)> > Elder Davidson>
Monday, September 29, 2008
Mailed letter received September 29, 2008




Here are some pics of me at the mtc with everyone!! Don't worry mother I labeled these ones :) Quick little thought for everyone; in Mosiah 2, King Benjamin is talkin to his people and he talks about what the Lord says all we have to do to prosper in the land and the blessings that come! So in verse 22 it talks about keeping the commandments and that if they do that we will prosper in the land and in 23 it talks about how we are indebted to him. Anyways, but my favorite verse is 24 and it says: and "secondly he doth require that ye should do as he hath commanded you for which if ye do, he doth immediately bless you"! and I never noticed it but its so true, he does immediately bless us if we keep his commandments such as going to church; as soon as we step in the doors we feel the spirit thats an amazing blessing and same with readin the scriptures as soon as we start reading them our minds are clear and if we have any questions I know personally that the Book of Mormon can answer any question which is an immediate blessing and there are so many more that I could go on forever ha but I won't! I love the Book of Mormon and reading it every morning, it has taught me so much and I love seein the people I'm teaching glow after they have read just one simple chapter it's amazing! Well I love you all and miss you all! Thanks for all your support and all your letters, I love gettin them! and I love hearin about how everyones doing , so keep them comin:) The church is so very true and so very amazing I love it so much! and I'm so excited to hear from the prophet of the world in a couple weeks! I love you all so very much and can't wait to hear back from ya! Its gettin colder over here too and I'm startin to wish it was summer again but I'm tough so i'll deal :) Miss ya! much love, Elder Davidson #3
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Letter (09/23/08)
Well glad to hear my birthday present got there on time! that is way good news! and those chocolates are amazing huh? man i have been chowin down on them and i gotta stop before i gain 100 pounds! first of all tell dad of course i havent lost the camera! geeze i never lose anything haha! i sent some pics home yesterday so hopefully they will get there sometime this week! but its really hard cuz in the forest there really isnt anywhere to print of pictures so i have to wait tell we go to a city to do stuff like that! but give it time you will get some! but ya geeze that musuem you went to sounds pretty crazy and kinda sick haha! but im glad you liked it! so how did ty do in filmore for region? did he take it? oh and about the english dialects man you should here these people out here! i learn knew words everyday and my companion has to tell me whether they were good or bad after we talk to the person ha its quite interesting ill think someone is bein really nice and then my companion will tell me he cussed at me haha its really quite funny to hear the knew meanings of the words!
anyways just a little update on the mish! um the work is comin pretty good we are finding more and more to teach so its good! i made a promise with the lord that if i knock on more doors then my comp he will give me people to teach and so far it has been workin! some days i see that he is holdin to his promise when i start to slack off and he makes one of are appointments flog us so gotta keep workin hard!
oh and mom i know its like way early and i still have two years but do you think you could maybe talk to shane about signing me up for college at dixie and just gettin me registered so right when i do get back i can hop right into it? and just stuff llike that! you dont have to do it right now but just keep it in mind so if you ever get the chance k? well everyone i love you sounds llike everyone is doing good! sounds like taffy is still a little terror haha but gotta love her! well miss you until next week :)
Elder Davidson
Saturday, September 20, 2008
9/18 letter
so ya dont have much time to email this week cuz we are super busy doing the lords work ha! but this week was pretty good nothin to exciting happened the people we are teaching are slowly progressing so thats always good! tell tyler he needs to step up his game cuz im not sendin him any chocolate tell he wins ha! but me and my companion cut each others hair this week and wow its not the prettiest thing in the world i tell you what haha! it reminds me of all the times back in the day when you would cut my hair and i would cry ha it kinda looks like that! but dont worry i havent cried yet but it might be comin on especially since im going more and more bald haha! so thats sweet big dizzle got his call to paraguay thats insane but he will do awesome there they will love him! by the way will you get his adress for me so i can write him? that would be amazing! so we had mission football this tuesday for p day and its where all the missonaries get together and have this fatty tourny between all the zones! and are zone took 2nd and i scored three goals! thats pretty good for never playin football in my life! i pretty much dominate like at everything haha! it was good to see all my buddys from the mtc again and to meet a bunch of knew missionaries it was way fun! but ya sorry it isnt very long this week like i said gotta go do the lords work haha! hope everyone is doing good i miss you all! make sure to send sunflower seeds i already ate the whole bag that katie sent ha i miss them im going through withdrawels haha! oh and thanks for the letters everyone this week hopefully jamies house is doing good ha close call she is quite lucky! i sure miss all my little terror nephews and nieces ha those little rats gotta love them! but ya cant wait tell tuesday when i get the next letter! remember send cd's there is this on that i would really love if you could find it? it joseph smith a nashville tribute or something like that? but anyways i love you all and miss you!
Elder Davidson
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
9/9/2008 letter
Hey mother! so ya well let me just say im sorry about last weeks email! i was really down and really hating it out here! and i seriously didnt know why i was here! every second of everyday i would think to myself i came out here for the wrong reasons i didnt come out here for myself i came out here cuz i was expected to and cuz all my friends were doing it and if i didnt i would let everyone i know down! and then i started to be lazy and not knock on any doors and just let my companion do it cuz there was no point for me to cuz i just wanted to be home and i was no good noone was going to listen anyways! so then it got worse way worse i cried myself to sleep like two nights in a row and i just wanted to be home with my family! and then p day came around and i read your emails and it just made things worse i wanted to be home with you and talkin to you face to face so i broke down and told my companion i wanted to be home there was seriously no point for me to be here! so that night i even called the mission president and told him i was ready to go home and he was like no your not ha and i was like your forcing me to stay out here and he said im not forcing you to do anything you have two choices wut do you think they are? and i said stay here or go home and he said no going home isnt a option wut are your two options and i didnt know! i was so upset and mad that i just was like those are my two options and im choosing to go home and he said no you cant you dont have that choice you can either stay out here and enjoy it or stay out here and be miserable! and i was like k well thats stupid blah blah blah anyways so i hung up the phone with president and was super pissed that i almost made flight plans to come home but luckily my comp calmed me down and helped me realize that that wasnt the right way to do things! so i went in my room and i had this thought to read my scriptures and i read 2 nephi 10 24 i think it was and it said somethin along the lines of be of good cheer you have the right to choose everlasting life or everlastin misery or something like that and it reminded me of those two choices that my mission president gave me so i went to bed and woke up in the morning with that scripture in my head burning away and then i decide to change my attitude and to see wut workin hard would do so i started to knock on more doors then my companion and started to talk to everyone on the street and to my suprise i started to be happier! i started to more enjoy my mission and ya the last week there has been some hard days but there has been alot more good days! so ya im not gonna let satan win im gonna try my hardest to keep on truckin and to work hard! so craziest thing we have been teachin alot more lately ha suprisingly and i know its cuz i have been workin harder and not bein a bad companion but anyways we went on exchanges with the zone leaders and he said i was one of the best teachers he has ever seen just starting he said you know how to talk to people and to help them for there understanding and it made me feel so much better!i absoulutely love teaching and i have been thinkin more and more about wut i wanna be when i get home and i know now that i am supposed to be a teacher and that is exactly what i wanna be!! and i know by me being out on my mission that i can become a better teacher and be more prepared for when i get home!
mom im so sorry about that email its not wut a mom likes to hear i would guess! so im sorry dont worry your son is doing better its gets better everyday! i love you so much and im so greatful for all the letters i got for support they help so much! oh and congrats on the call mom! i know that me and you are alot alike and its hard for us to talk to people but itll come easier as the days go by i can promise you that! your gonna be amazing! so just a few things i need cuz we all know how forgetful of a person i am.... haha i need first of all a yo yo something to do when im bored ha and any church cds anyone has efy anything im going crazy we only have one cd and i have listened to it like a million times ha! oh and my rubberband thats down in my room so i can do some lifting! and sunflower seeds send lot and lots of sunflower seeds any kind willl do! they dont sell them out here :( and maybe a rubix cube with the instructions on how to solve it haha! i love you all so much! thank you for all your support and prayers!! I love gettin mail so please continue to send it :)
Elder Davidson
P.S. dissappointed that dad took 3rd in the club championship and not 1st ha!!
Friday, August 29, 2008
He's out!!!!
how come you havent emailed your son back yet? i better have on by tuesday cuz thats when i get to check it again! so hows everyone doing? has t money had any golf tournys? how is carlie doing? i hear from everyone but them and im about to come home and kick them both in the face!! how is grandma and grandpa? i miss the fam so much :( but ya anyways just a little update i finally arrived in my knew area yesterday! im in the forest of dean! its so beautiful my comp is elder skidmore he isnt really a talker ha but im tryin to change that! so ya the forest of dean is beautiful! we went tractin last night right when we arrived to the area i didnt even get to unpack ha but ya we got right to work and probably got like 30 doors slammed right in our faces for like two hours ha it sucked i hate gettin doors slammed in my face its such a downer! but ya here is my knew address so you can send me stuff right to me!
29 market street Flat 2
Cinderford Gloucesteshire
GL14 2RT
so still waitin on those updates from the yanks or at least the play offs and some football stuff oh im going crazy out here!! so that would be amazing if you could do that for me!! I miss you! hope everybody is doing good!
Alex's First Area
Slipping westwards, Gloucestershire's borders enfold the beautiful Forest of Dean where restored Steam trains take you on a magical journey deep into the secret shaded bowers of a forest which was once the hunting ground of kings. Offa's Dyke Path, follows the snaking waters of the beautiful River Wye, and at the forest edge lie Clearwell Caves where there is an excellent visitors centre selling Ochre that is produced on site to this day. At Lydney, on the other side of the forest near to the River Severn stands Lydney Park, a lovely Victorian House with an Arts and Crafts style garden. In the grounds of Lydney Park visitors can see the Lydney Roman Temple, this covers an Iron-Age fort which has a 50ft mine shaft running below the ground. Interestingly, this site was worked upon by the author J.R.R. Tolkien who was doubtless inspired to write his famous trilogy by the endless mythical tales and legends surrounding the site. The Roman Temple is a superb vantage point for wonderful uninterrupted views towards the River Severn and beyond.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
August 20th Written letter

Hey fam, how ya'll doing? From my emails it sounds like you're all doin well! I sure miss you all oh so very much. I pray for you all every personal prayer (which is alot when you are a missionary) :) Here are a couple pics from the mtc there will be more to come I promise!
The letter in here is for Elder Moss if any of you have time (mom) will you run it up to Diane and have it sent off? Its crazy how much you start to think about all your friends and family and all the awesome times! I love you guys! Mom and Dad thank you so much for raising me up right I just think more and more everyday about how I took you guys for granted! You guys gave us children everything and asked for nothin back you are so amazing I love you! If I'm half the parent you guys are and have been I know I will be ok and I'll be able to get through anything! Learning so much about the plan of salvation and how familys can be together forever makes you think about how much you love and care about them! The Church is so true it's so amazing I absolutely love the gospel and the plan for us! Well sorry its so short but gotta get to bed and be obedient its the only way to get the spirit :) Miss you so much! Elder Davidson #3
Monday, August 25, 2008
Mom's Letter #3
so ya im doing pretty good actually i love my companion well sometimes he gets a little on the crazy side but i love that side to even if it kinda gets on my nerves ha! but ya im so excited to finally get out of the mtc!!
so let me just tell you about my first tracting experience that i got on thursday um so me and my companion get dropped off in this area and we just have this mad and this highlighted part of where we are supposed to go so i take the map and am like i dont even understand this thing ha so me and my comp are just like lets just go and start knockin on doors so we go and start knockin and get shut down like ten hours straight door after door in are faces no i dont wanna hear about your message my lunch is more important then god (really got that one laughed for like an hour ha)
but finally this girl is like ya elder davidson i would love to hear your message and by this time im so used to them sayin no i kinda am like wut you wannna hear it? are you sure? ha but finally i managed to get some words out and finally got to the discussions and right when i was talkin about the book of mormon and how its gonna bless her life her mom comes to the door and slams it in my face! so i got shut down again but finally the lord decided he didnt wanna get my hopes to far down i finally got this like 18 year old girl to talk to me! (girls have always been my strong points) but me and my comp talked to her for like ten minutes told her all about are church and she just sat there with a smile and loved every second of it you could really tell that the spirit was there and i loved it the lord just kept puttin words and words in my mouth oh it was so amazing! but you good times :)
So hows everyone doing? mom geeze you need to watch out for those scissors theyll get ya everytime haha! oh cant wait to get some american candy these britts keep tellin me there candy is better but im not tastin the goodness it all tastes nasty to me so ya stoked for that!
I love gettin all these emails from my brothers from other mothers! i love hearin about all the souls there bringin unto christ! there amazing missionaries and i was so blessed to grow up with such great friends!
but mom i never feel prepared to do anything but as i have noticed if i get choked up and dont know wut to say the lord always shoves it in my mouth ha and i know that if i keep askin for his spirit that i will get it!
The gospel is so amazing i love it!
quick little quote before i leaver 'Why is life/mission so hard? because the saviors mission was hard!' and that is so true the saviors job was alot harder then mine so all i can say is KEEP ON TRUCKIN!!!! just like in football never stop movin those feet gotta keep pushin on and sooner or later youll move over that stumbling block!!
Monday, August 18, 2008
Katie's Letter 8-16-08
This is the letter they sent him:
Hey Elder! We are so glad you made it to England Safely. I am so jealous at the way you talk about feeling the spirit. It is the most amazing feeling but so hard to find daily when your just going through the regular worldly motions. I can't imagine how amazing it feels and I am so glad you get to exsperience it. I can't wait to hear how you have picked up the English accent. Thanks for being such a good example. The gospel is so important and you are going to change so many lives! There is nothing more important than following the plan, you are exactly where you are supposed to be we all feel it and we know you are being watched over and protected. We are praying for you and think about you everydday and don't worry we are still alive here even without you :) Just an update for ya Gracie's eyes are still straight so far, we visited the dr. yesterday and he said they are looking good. We go back in September and if they are still straight then we will get thumbs up and 95% chance they will be straight forever. She is walking all overe the house, and being completly full of it like always. And some sad news (Well for Zach) HE HE!!! We sold the white pimp daddy truck! Zach shed a few tears lets be honest it was his baby. But now we are buying a car so i'm glad. We love you so much! I hope everything is still going well!
And this is his reply:
ha oh sned wut a sissy :) ha but glad to hear everythings going good with you guys thats awesome! i love gettin emails its like my favorite thing ha! i was so excited to go get on me email and see how everybody is doing! im glad gracies eyes are stayin straight but just pray to the lord to help her eyes and he will bless you i know he will he has already answered so many of my prayers! but hope your all doing good i miss you all and am lovin it out here!
Mom's Letter #2
but after i got to manchester we just drove to the mtc thats about it ha but in the mtc we wake up at 6:30 which is killin me ha then we get ready and eat breakfast and at 7:30 we have personal study and the at 8:30 we have comp study and the at 9:30 we have class tell 12:00 and the we have lunch tell 1:00 and then we go back to class tell 3:00 when we only get like an hour of sports oh and by the way lovin soccer! but then after dinner we go back to class tell 9:30 and then we get ready to bed go to sleep by 10:30 and then do it all over again ha it kinda sucks not gonna lie! really loving the elders here and one of them elder jette is an awesome missionary but he is such a player! wonder about him some days with all of those sister missionaries!
(oh yeah, hey monica just joking! knew you were reading, we wanted to give you a shout out!)
(Editor's Note: Sorry monica, we didn't think this was very funny!)
but im learning so so much and i love that! oh and on tuesday we got to go to the preston temple and it is so amazing and beautiful i loved it i cant wait to go next tuesday its so awesome! but im glad you had fun on your horse ride that sounds so fun right now im going crazy just sittin inside all day cant wait to get outside and ill even teach some people if i get to go outside haha!!
anyways im glad your all doing good and thanks for the emails! i miss you all and pray for you every night! cant wait tell next saturday when i get some more emails :) so everybody right to me!!!
Elder Davidson
i love and miss you so so so much! i pray for you and everyone everyday! Oh and tell tyler to enjoy his senior year and to dominate at golf this year he is a stud and is going to do so good i know it! itll go by so fast so enjoy it!! love you!
Saturday, August 16, 2008
My letter this week
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Letter #1
the missionaries that are here with me are so amazing. There so in tune with the spirit i guess i could say that ha but i love it! the classes i have been to have been so amazing and spiritual i leave the classroom to go to another learning something knew every time and feeling the spirit so strong and i absolutely love it!
my roommates and comp. are so cool me and one of my roommates Elder hopkinson stayed up almost all night last night talkin about everything he is amazing i love the kid already!bad thing was it was hard to stay awake in some of my classes but i manage :) but ya my first comp. is Elder Hall and he is so in tune with the spirit and is the district leader ha its crazy but i love the kid!
seriously the mission was the best decision ever i have never felt the spirit so strong and i absolutely love it!Its wierd though i already hear myself sayin stuff with the english accent and i kinda like it and sound kinda fun haha!
but got to go but i miss all of you and love all of you so much! thanks for all your support and prayers! Oh and mom thanks so much for the cards in all my clothing i cant wait to put on a knew white shirt tomorrow and see wut the cards says :)
love ya,
Elder Davidson, England Bermingham ya boouy :)
Thursday, August 7, 2008
He's Off to England

Today was going to be a long day, we just knew it. But I think we all made it though!
we then traveled the 40 min to Cedar City to catch his first flight and say our goodbyes.



Then it was one last hug for Mom . . . .
Make it through the Security Checkpoint . . . . . . . .
Take the walk to the plane . . . . . .
Up the ramp, and don't look back!
And off he goes!
He had three flights today. First from Cedar to Salt Lake. Then from Salt Lake to Atlanta, GA. Then the long flight from Atlanta to Manchester, England.
He checked in when he got to Atlanta and was in REALLY good spirits. There were 15 other missionaries on the flight from Salt Lake to Atlanta, and he was able to meet a missionary heading home to England who served his mission in Ogden. They really got along well and the returning missionary was able to show him some missionary skills and share a few scriptures with him.
We are so blessed and excited for Alex to start this new step in his life. We know it will be hard to not have him around (sometimes we swear it is his voice coming out of Tyler's mouth!) but we know that he is where he is meant to be, and that he is ready to teach the people of England.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Alex's Farewell
Alex's Temple Day

Thursday, April 17, 2008
Drumroll Please. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

His mission is the one in yellow. If you go to the mission website http://www.mission.net/england/birmingham/images/ebmboundaries.jpg you can see a bigger picture of it.
As soon as we find out more details, or have a better map we will post it.
He will enter the England MTC and leaves on August 8th, 2008
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Email Update from Pres. Thomas
I checked the progress of your missionary recommendation this afternoon and it said that your call letter has been sent. The letters usually get here on Thursdays and so by next Thursday you could have your call!! Please let me know when you get it. Pretty exciting!!!!
Pres. Thomas
Boy 2 weeks go fast! Get those predictions in now. Looks like we will have a call by Thursday, April 18th!
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Filling Out the Papers
Yes, that looks better. Now he is looking like a real missionary! The appointment with Pres. Thomas went well and all was approved and sent off to Church Headquarters on Friday. In two weeks he will have his mission call. So now the question we pose to you . . . . . . .