Tuesday, April 13, 2010

April 6th, 2010

Happy Easter Family!!!
I hope it has been a good one!! Snow Snow Snow gotta love it, i don't know whats up it warmed up a little here but now it is just back to bitter cold, hopefully it is just preparing for a hot summer!! I love my hot summers!! Anyways don't worry about it madre, no worries we were barely in the flat last week so i probably wouldn't of been home for it anyways but this week i will for sure.
Well oh man haha its been quite the week but its been a good one!! We had the chance to meet our new ward mission leaders, and i must say there struggling, So i don't know if i told you in my last email but we are covering 2 wards, so the Wednesfield ward and the Wolverhampton ward and well apparently Wednesfield is the weaker of the 2 noone does anything i guess haha and well we just thought it was a rumor and that there was no way it could be as bad as everyone says it is and well we go to a meeting with our ward mission leader and the first thing he says after he introduces himself was not gonna lie to you Elders this ward sucks!!!! Don't expect much help from the members, they won't come out teaching with you, they won't fellowship your inmvestigators and they definately won't help you recent converts! They don't do there home teaching, they don't do the visiting teaching, they don't do anything!! I was just shocked i just smiled and me and my comp said welt looks like we are going to have to change some things haha so it will be quite the adventure, but we are excited to try and help!! We found out how bad it really was this weekend as well, So we had some investigators that we found on Thursday and Friday that wanted to come to General Conference with us and we found out that the Chapel we go to watch General Conference at was 2 hours away from where we live, so we start phoning around to see if anyone is going to conference but noone was, and if they were they didn't want to take investigators there, no lie i phoned everyone on the ward list and it was getting frustrating but finally I just phoned up the stake president and luckily he is the man because he just swung by and picked up all the investigators we had coming!!! Even though it was out of the way he just said sure Elders what are there addresses i would love to pick them up!!! So he is the man and i don't know how the ward is so bad, but apparently he said that he was releasing the Elders Quorum President and the Bishop so things might change with some new leadership, we will see!!!
As for the other ward Wolver Hampton is pretty good they have alot of good people there so i think we will be spending more time trying to find people in wolverhampton then we do in wednesfield but i guess we will go where ever the Lord wants us to be so we will see!!
So how did everyone like conference?? I loved it!!!!!! Ahhh it was so good this time!!! I was just smiling the whole time i couldn't wipe the smile off of my face!!! I love listening to the Prophets and Apostles speak!! I know they are called of God because so many questions or doubts i had were answered by them simply speaking!! My favorite thing, well one of my favorites was this statement right here, "There is only one source of peace in life and that is the Prince of Peace Jesus Christ" I loved it!!!! Jesus is the Christ and he is the only way that we all can return to live together once again!!!
I love you family!! Your the best have an amazing week!!
Elder Davidson

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