Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Letter Dec 9th

Hey Mother!
So how ya doing? sounds like you had a pretty eventful week with the whole festival of trees! i kinda miss it even though i only went once! but man i love seein all those christmas decorations i tell you what nothing in england even compares to the christmas lights in the states! And oh mum, w e can talk for hours haha no i think the time limit is like 1 hr to an ho ur and a half! :) And dont you worry i have been tryin to write down all the questions that pop in my head to ask so hopefully we will have lots to talk about! im sure we will!!

Why wont Katie and Sned be there? they live like an hour away? Jamie and Rob now they have an excuse but zach and katie have none!!

Oh mom thank you so much for all the packages and presents! i tell you what you would think me being a good 19 years old would be able to resist opening christmas presents but i tell you what it is one huge temptation haha! my companion says thanks he was quite excited for his stocking and other presents!! I am sending off my christmas stuff today so it should be here for christmas hopefully but we will see if not well then looks like you guys are going to get after christmas presents ha!!>

Thanks for all the addresses im stoked to send my buddies a good ol christmas card! mine in made my whole day to read all those i have been tryin to get people that have been writing me to send me addresses but Elder Noel didnt know anybodys but beaumonts but im excited for all of them! What about Beau?? Whats his Address cant miss out on the biggest stud??

That is so sad to hear about those people that died! I feel so bad for there loved ones! that can be so hard! Send them my love please!!

Crazy that president thomas might get released! he has been serving forever it seems like! looks like dad is going to be the new stake president haha jk! Dont you have to be in the high council to recieve that job??

Well anyways little on my week! um we had zone conference on wednesday and wow! President Moffet is just a genius i swear everytime he speaks its like he is speaking right to me! i left there and i couldn't stop talking to people about the gospel we weren't even in my area and i was trying to talk to people! The spirit that i feel when he stands up there and bears testimony is just so amazing! i absolutely love it! He talked a little bit about desire. and the desire to serve, and how some missionaries say the dont have that desire! he went on to say that if you dont have that desire to serve you dont understand the gospel! and its so true ah i could go on for hours about it but ill stop and just say it was amazing! and it has helped me be more bold at the door with people and just sit there and bear testimony! It has also helped me and my companion give out 4 book of mormons a day each!! That is pretty amazing for the good ol forest and we are working hard and its making me love my mission even more!!

The scriptures are amazing mom! That crying to the lord has been one of the things i have been trying to work on and it has brought me closer to the lord!! thanks for the reminder i was starting to slack a little but the lord is giving me guidance through you! looks like your still looking out for me a million miles away mom? :)

Well anyways little downside to my week sunday at church we were in priesthood meeting and the ward mission leader was teaching the class and well lets just say he wasn't on the missionaries side! he just sat and talked for an hour about how we dont need to share the gospel with our friends and how we just need to wait for them to ask us and blah blah blah me and my companion were so mad!! He pretty much said the mission president doesn't know anything he is to pushy all this bull and oh man me and my comp were so mad to say the least!! it was so bad but the only reason we stuck around for the end of the class was because the only member who agrees with how the mission is run stuck up for us! and he is a stud his name is bro. owen and he is the only member who is willing to come out and teach people with us! its quite terrible but its ok!

Anyways enough of my complaining!! You never answered my question last week about what i can do for you guys?? come on there has to be something!! just let me know!!
Have a great week!
I love you!!

Elder Davidson

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