Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Letter Dec 31st 2008

Hey Hey!!

So Man it was so great to talk to most everybody on christmas!! It was great to hear from my boy logan as well! but it was more great to hear from the family!! Thanks everybody for all the christmas presents they were so amazing! I can really tell which of the family loves elder davidson by the presents they sent haha jk jk!! I know everyone loves me! (who doesn't love me haha) well ill be honest after talking to you guys it was so hard to say goodbye and it made me quite trunky for the next day! good thing it was a holiday over here because i dont know if i would have been able to work with all my heart might mind and strength!! but im good now no worries!! but anyways with julia and there family well..... We went over on saturday and Ian told us all about is little christmas suprise and how excited he was and we heard all about there christmas but then we were teaching them and we invited them to be baptized and they said yes! and we were so excited and we set a time where they could go to the registrar and go and get all the paper work done and we could have the marriage and baptism on the 24th of baptism and they were so excited!! you could just tell they had smiles on there faces the whole time so we went home all excited i called the zone leaders and told them and they were excited it was just a full day of excitement but anyways sunday rolls around and we go to church and julia and there whole family are there and all is going well. We tell the Branch President that they are projected and that we are planning on doing it the 24th and he is like thats a little soon isn't it and we were like no its not and he just walked away so we were like ok so after sacrament we see julia and ian talking to president lawson and then they walk out and go to his office so we dont think anything of it, but anyways we wait tell for a while and they finally come out of his office so i pull julia aside and i said so you find out any good news and she says well president thinks we should wait so we decided we were going to get married and baptized in march oh i was so mad and we tried a tried to get her to change it back but she wouldn't oh man was i upset!!

But today we are sacraficing our day off to go and talk with them to resolve there concerns and hopefully we will be able to help them but we will see!! So ya this week could end great or it could end miserably we will just have to wait and see!!

but anyways how is everybody? sounds llike everyone had a good christmas and got spoiled as usual haha!! but have a happy new year and ill hear from you soon :)

Ill feel you in on the end of the story next week mmmmk??

I love you have a good week!!

Elder Davidson

P.S. the memory card is all i need!! I think?? hahah love you!>

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