Friday, August 29, 2008
He's out!!!!
how come you havent emailed your son back yet? i better have on by tuesday cuz thats when i get to check it again! so hows everyone doing? has t money had any golf tournys? how is carlie doing? i hear from everyone but them and im about to come home and kick them both in the face!! how is grandma and grandpa? i miss the fam so much :( but ya anyways just a little update i finally arrived in my knew area yesterday! im in the forest of dean! its so beautiful my comp is elder skidmore he isnt really a talker ha but im tryin to change that! so ya the forest of dean is beautiful! we went tractin last night right when we arrived to the area i didnt even get to unpack ha but ya we got right to work and probably got like 30 doors slammed right in our faces for like two hours ha it sucked i hate gettin doors slammed in my face its such a downer! but ya here is my knew address so you can send me stuff right to me!
29 market street Flat 2
Cinderford Gloucesteshire
GL14 2RT
so still waitin on those updates from the yanks or at least the play offs and some football stuff oh im going crazy out here!! so that would be amazing if you could do that for me!! I miss you! hope everybody is doing good!
Alex's First Area
Slipping westwards, Gloucestershire's borders enfold the beautiful Forest of Dean where restored Steam trains take you on a magical journey deep into the secret shaded bowers of a forest which was once the hunting ground of kings. Offa's Dyke Path, follows the snaking waters of the beautiful River Wye, and at the forest edge lie Clearwell Caves where there is an excellent visitors centre selling Ochre that is produced on site to this day. At Lydney, on the other side of the forest near to the River Severn stands Lydney Park, a lovely Victorian House with an Arts and Crafts style garden. In the grounds of Lydney Park visitors can see the Lydney Roman Temple, this covers an Iron-Age fort which has a 50ft mine shaft running below the ground. Interestingly, this site was worked upon by the author J.R.R. Tolkien who was doubtless inspired to write his famous trilogy by the endless mythical tales and legends surrounding the site. The Roman Temple is a superb vantage point for wonderful uninterrupted views towards the River Severn and beyond.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
August 20th Written letter

Hey fam, how ya'll doing? From my emails it sounds like you're all doin well! I sure miss you all oh so very much. I pray for you all every personal prayer (which is alot when you are a missionary) :) Here are a couple pics from the mtc there will be more to come I promise!
The letter in here is for Elder Moss if any of you have time (mom) will you run it up to Diane and have it sent off? Its crazy how much you start to think about all your friends and family and all the awesome times! I love you guys! Mom and Dad thank you so much for raising me up right I just think more and more everyday about how I took you guys for granted! You guys gave us children everything and asked for nothin back you are so amazing I love you! If I'm half the parent you guys are and have been I know I will be ok and I'll be able to get through anything! Learning so much about the plan of salvation and how familys can be together forever makes you think about how much you love and care about them! The Church is so true it's so amazing I absolutely love the gospel and the plan for us! Well sorry its so short but gotta get to bed and be obedient its the only way to get the spirit :) Miss you so much! Elder Davidson #3
Monday, August 25, 2008
Mom's Letter #3
so ya im doing pretty good actually i love my companion well sometimes he gets a little on the crazy side but i love that side to even if it kinda gets on my nerves ha! but ya im so excited to finally get out of the mtc!!
so let me just tell you about my first tracting experience that i got on thursday um so me and my companion get dropped off in this area and we just have this mad and this highlighted part of where we are supposed to go so i take the map and am like i dont even understand this thing ha so me and my comp are just like lets just go and start knockin on doors so we go and start knockin and get shut down like ten hours straight door after door in are faces no i dont wanna hear about your message my lunch is more important then god (really got that one laughed for like an hour ha)
but finally this girl is like ya elder davidson i would love to hear your message and by this time im so used to them sayin no i kinda am like wut you wannna hear it? are you sure? ha but finally i managed to get some words out and finally got to the discussions and right when i was talkin about the book of mormon and how its gonna bless her life her mom comes to the door and slams it in my face! so i got shut down again but finally the lord decided he didnt wanna get my hopes to far down i finally got this like 18 year old girl to talk to me! (girls have always been my strong points) but me and my comp talked to her for like ten minutes told her all about are church and she just sat there with a smile and loved every second of it you could really tell that the spirit was there and i loved it the lord just kept puttin words and words in my mouth oh it was so amazing! but you good times :)
So hows everyone doing? mom geeze you need to watch out for those scissors theyll get ya everytime haha! oh cant wait to get some american candy these britts keep tellin me there candy is better but im not tastin the goodness it all tastes nasty to me so ya stoked for that!
I love gettin all these emails from my brothers from other mothers! i love hearin about all the souls there bringin unto christ! there amazing missionaries and i was so blessed to grow up with such great friends!
but mom i never feel prepared to do anything but as i have noticed if i get choked up and dont know wut to say the lord always shoves it in my mouth ha and i know that if i keep askin for his spirit that i will get it!
The gospel is so amazing i love it!
quick little quote before i leaver 'Why is life/mission so hard? because the saviors mission was hard!' and that is so true the saviors job was alot harder then mine so all i can say is KEEP ON TRUCKIN!!!! just like in football never stop movin those feet gotta keep pushin on and sooner or later youll move over that stumbling block!!
Monday, August 18, 2008
Katie's Letter 8-16-08
This is the letter they sent him:
Hey Elder! We are so glad you made it to England Safely. I am so jealous at the way you talk about feeling the spirit. It is the most amazing feeling but so hard to find daily when your just going through the regular worldly motions. I can't imagine how amazing it feels and I am so glad you get to exsperience it. I can't wait to hear how you have picked up the English accent. Thanks for being such a good example. The gospel is so important and you are going to change so many lives! There is nothing more important than following the plan, you are exactly where you are supposed to be we all feel it and we know you are being watched over and protected. We are praying for you and think about you everydday and don't worry we are still alive here even without you :) Just an update for ya Gracie's eyes are still straight so far, we visited the dr. yesterday and he said they are looking good. We go back in September and if they are still straight then we will get thumbs up and 95% chance they will be straight forever. She is walking all overe the house, and being completly full of it like always. And some sad news (Well for Zach) HE HE!!! We sold the white pimp daddy truck! Zach shed a few tears lets be honest it was his baby. But now we are buying a car so i'm glad. We love you so much! I hope everything is still going well!
And this is his reply:
ha oh sned wut a sissy :) ha but glad to hear everythings going good with you guys thats awesome! i love gettin emails its like my favorite thing ha! i was so excited to go get on me email and see how everybody is doing! im glad gracies eyes are stayin straight but just pray to the lord to help her eyes and he will bless you i know he will he has already answered so many of my prayers! but hope your all doing good i miss you all and am lovin it out here!
Mom's Letter #2
but after i got to manchester we just drove to the mtc thats about it ha but in the mtc we wake up at 6:30 which is killin me ha then we get ready and eat breakfast and at 7:30 we have personal study and the at 8:30 we have comp study and the at 9:30 we have class tell 12:00 and the we have lunch tell 1:00 and then we go back to class tell 3:00 when we only get like an hour of sports oh and by the way lovin soccer! but then after dinner we go back to class tell 9:30 and then we get ready to bed go to sleep by 10:30 and then do it all over again ha it kinda sucks not gonna lie! really loving the elders here and one of them elder jette is an awesome missionary but he is such a player! wonder about him some days with all of those sister missionaries!
(oh yeah, hey monica just joking! knew you were reading, we wanted to give you a shout out!)
(Editor's Note: Sorry monica, we didn't think this was very funny!)
but im learning so so much and i love that! oh and on tuesday we got to go to the preston temple and it is so amazing and beautiful i loved it i cant wait to go next tuesday its so awesome! but im glad you had fun on your horse ride that sounds so fun right now im going crazy just sittin inside all day cant wait to get outside and ill even teach some people if i get to go outside haha!!
anyways im glad your all doing good and thanks for the emails! i miss you all and pray for you every night! cant wait tell next saturday when i get some more emails :) so everybody right to me!!!
Elder Davidson
i love and miss you so so so much! i pray for you and everyone everyday! Oh and tell tyler to enjoy his senior year and to dominate at golf this year he is a stud and is going to do so good i know it! itll go by so fast so enjoy it!! love you!
Saturday, August 16, 2008
My letter this week
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Letter #1
the missionaries that are here with me are so amazing. There so in tune with the spirit i guess i could say that ha but i love it! the classes i have been to have been so amazing and spiritual i leave the classroom to go to another learning something knew every time and feeling the spirit so strong and i absolutely love it!
my roommates and comp. are so cool me and one of my roommates Elder hopkinson stayed up almost all night last night talkin about everything he is amazing i love the kid already!bad thing was it was hard to stay awake in some of my classes but i manage :) but ya my first comp. is Elder Hall and he is so in tune with the spirit and is the district leader ha its crazy but i love the kid!
seriously the mission was the best decision ever i have never felt the spirit so strong and i absolutely love it!Its wierd though i already hear myself sayin stuff with the english accent and i kinda like it and sound kinda fun haha!
but got to go but i miss all of you and love all of you so much! thanks for all your support and prayers! Oh and mom thanks so much for the cards in all my clothing i cant wait to put on a knew white shirt tomorrow and see wut the cards says :)
love ya,
Elder Davidson, England Bermingham ya boouy :)
Thursday, August 7, 2008
He's Off to England

Today was going to be a long day, we just knew it. But I think we all made it though!
we then traveled the 40 min to Cedar City to catch his first flight and say our goodbyes.

Then it was one last hug for Mom . . . .
Make it through the Security Checkpoint . . . . . . . .
Take the walk to the plane . . . . . .
Up the ramp, and don't look back!
And off he goes!
He had three flights today. First from Cedar to Salt Lake. Then from Salt Lake to Atlanta, GA. Then the long flight from Atlanta to Manchester, England.
He checked in when he got to Atlanta and was in REALLY good spirits. There were 15 other missionaries on the flight from Salt Lake to Atlanta, and he was able to meet a missionary heading home to England who served his mission in Ogden. They really got along well and the returning missionary was able to show him some missionary skills and share a few scriptures with him.
We are so blessed and excited for Alex to start this new step in his life. We know it will be hard to not have him around (sometimes we swear it is his voice coming out of Tyler's mouth!) but we know that he is where he is meant to be, and that he is ready to teach the people of England.