Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Letter April 7th 2009

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Booooooooooouyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

So conference was amazing i absolutely loved it!! Wow, So many questions answered, so many problems fixed ahhhhh it was so good!! So I would have to say my favorite was also Elder Hollands wow he is just so powerful you just cant beat what he said, I loved it even more though because many of the things he taught helped me realize how much he really went through and that it isn't to be taken lightly and that has helped me as i have been teaching people about it, it has a special spirit that no one can deny and it has helped my teaching improve and i am greatful for that!! Those men are all inspired its amazing! I watched it in the stake centre by the way just in case you were wondering on the satelite broadcast and mother we do get the ensigns at zone conference and im stoked to read over them all again and recieve more insight!!

So this past week well its one of those weeks that was good but also not good, We have 2 people from Vietnam that are supposed to get baptized real soon and me and Elder Nimer this whole time thought they were married so when we taught the law of chastity we thought it was going to be no big deal and then turns out they aren't married and they have tried to get married but can because they don't have permanent residency so it has just been a big mess running around trying to figure out how and if they can get married so pretty hectic and we are still working on it so hopefully this week we can get it rolling! but thats about all that was happening this week!

Anyways, How is everybody?? sounds like all is well, What color did you paint your room?? i tell you what you are never satisfied are you haha, that wall probably has about 50 different colors of paint haha!! Im excited for the package nothing better then the american stuff!!

Mission life is great, stressful at times but amazing most the time!! And stoked to know that tyler is planning on a mission, Best decision of my life, i know that me just giving up 2 years the lord will provide the rest so my life is all set!

So how are my beaver Brothers? i'm hearing from my boy Chili but where is the rest at?? How they doing how is Big Dizzle? How Is Oldroyd?? How is Noel?? How is Eyre?? How is Beaumont?? How is Foster?? How is EVERYBODY??? Hopt to hear from you all soon!!

Well im goona say cheers and bounce!!

Love you all thanks for all you do!!

Elder Davidson>

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