Hey Hey Hey
Wow sounds like B-town is just popping with excitement just all this good ol marriage and just love in the air haha valentines day must be just around the corner! I can't believe my boy swindlehurst is getting himself hitched?? hahha who is this girl that he is getting married to hmmmm?? He best be on his way sending me some pics so i can approve!! nah jk i'm sure that he picked a winner, any girl would wanna be with him he is the man!! But crazy i'm going to have to get all new friends to go chill with all of them are going to be with there wives!! Moss better still be waiting for me haha!! Mom will you ask moss if he will be my valentine haha??
Well this week was a good one!! First off i must start by telling you that i passed my driving test :) yay now i can officially legally drive, Driving the last couple weeks has reminded me when i lost my license for a month and then I still managed to drive a little here and there haha living on the edge :) but it was good good!! The sweet thing was is that we had to drive to coventry to switch cars there because we only had an automatic and i wanted to take my test in a manuel, so we went to switch cars and i got to talk to the Elders about all the people I had grown to love while i was there and i even got to see some of my recent converts there!! I tell you what there was not a better feeling then the one I got when i found out that most of them were still coming out to church!! We are going to go take the car back today so we are going to take our p-day in c town so i can visit them and all that good stuff i'm way excited!!
The Zone is doing well, we are getting a little scared to invite people to be baptized with all the new things that President Ogden has put in and taught us, so the baptisms are lowering all around the mission, but we have so good plans to bring the boldness back into the work and so even though its going down now we can get it to x-plode when we combine the 2 so i'm excited!!
Nothing else to exciting is happening!! But i am just happy as can be, the Lord is blessing me and the area we are in and I recognize those blessings and appreciate every one!! I hope all is well back home! I miss you all and hope you know that i am greatful for all that you do for me and that i love you!!
Have an amazing week and i will talk to you soon :)
Keep on Trucking :)
Elder Davidson