(Alex's sports number was 3 so Mom sent him this picture telling him his greatest fan was wishing him happy birthday)
ok so wowa haha!!! What a picture gotta love that 3 haha!! thats going to be me in about 10 years haha! Love it!!! Thanks so much everybody for all the happy birthday wishes you are all amazing i love you!! So I just cant wait for all these birthday packages there is nothing Elder Davidson loves more then stuff from America, except for maybe stuff from Italy, My companion Elder Piredda's b-day was on last wednesday and I took him out for a good ol dinner and what not haha (by the way used your money sorry!) But he had some packages from his family and he was sharing with me some of his amazing italian cake, mmmmmmmmmm it was good haha, NOthing like Madre's home cooked cake but for a missionary it was pretty super good haha!!Anyways How is everybody?? sounds like everyone but hilda mae has had a vacation this summer? looks like she needs to go to Cali like everybody else haha!! Jaymerz got Utah which is good as well haha!Well my week oh buddy it was quite the week, Well we were meant to have some baptisms coming up for the 4th but um well Jeanett the mother of the family was doing so good and amazing and the family was all ready to get interviewed on the saturday and then we show up to the appointment and she just wasn't having it she didn't even want to speek with us, I finally got her to open up to me but it took for days and i had to pull her aside just me and her but wow apparently she just got totally antied by one of her friends and a family member that lives down in Jamaica and well i cleared up most of the damage but she still has alot of doubts so she told me that she will let me know when she is ready :( ahhhhhhhh i went home and just cried, I hate when satan catches a hold of the hearts of the fathers children it kills me!!! But we will get her and her beautiful family itll come i know it!! it might not be for a while but it will come!!We did though recieve alot of other blessings from our heavenly father man were we blessed this week, saturday night rolls around and we have noone that says they are coming to church and when a D.L. gets noone at church its not a good thing haha, so i'm just going crazy chasing after people stoppin everyone i see just trying to get something, but nothing then it is like 5 minutes to 9:00 and we just have to be heading home and i was going crazy thinking we had nobody, and so we start cycling home and I see one guy just chilling at the bus stop and i say Elder Piredda i have to talk to him, so i pull my bike over and go sit right next to him and just start chatting with him, He see's my badge and says are you a latter day saint and i say no sir i'm from the church of Jesus Christ, and he says i have some friends who are latter day saints in London and i have always wanted to come and see what the church is like, so i say well sir where do you live we will be picking you up tomorrow morning haha, and so we get his address and on sunday pick him up and then another lady that we invited showed up so it was way good we were blessed, His name is Endy and Endy loved church he called his friend right after church and told him he loved it, we invited him to be baptized right next to the beautiful font and as of now he is preparing himself to be baptized on the 18th of july, i love it!! I love the gospel it is so true nothing more amazing that this!!!I love my mission and i am so greatful i get to be here serving the Lord!!! I don't want to be anywhere else!! Even playing baseball haha, I love it!!Thank you for all your love and support, i miss you so much and cant wait to hear from you again!! The new Mission President comes in on wednesday and boy it'll be weird to have a new one, but he is called of God so he will do amazing i know it!!
I love you!!
Elder Davidson